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Boostrap 3:单击按钮不起作用

[英]Boostrap 3: Click over button doesn't work

I'm working on a web application which uses AngularJS and Twitter Bootstrap.我正在开发一个使用 AngularJS 和 Twitter Bootstrap 的 Web 应用程序。 My app works fine with Firefox, but with Chrome or Chromium (my operation system is Ubuntu) when I click button, this click is not detected correctly.我的应用程序在 Firefox 上运行良好,但在 Chrome 或 Chromium(我的操作系统是 Ubuntu)上单击按钮时,无法正确检测到此单击。 The click is detected but the object event is null or is not detected.检测到单击但对象事件为空或未检测到。 As you can see, it only writes evento: but not the id .如您所见,它只写入evento:而不是id In Firefox it writes evento: and the id correctly.在 Firefox 中,它正确写入evento:id



<button id = "removeLeftTables" ng-click = "hmCtrl.changeView($event)">
    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove " aria-hidden="true" style = "vertical-align: middle; font-size: 25px"></span>


self.changeView = function(event){
    console.log("evento: " + event.target.id);
    if (event.target.id == "removeLeftTables"){
        self.show_left_tables = false;
        self.style_left_content = "";
        self.style_right_content = "";
        self.style_tables_content = "";     

    if (event.target.id == "removeRightTables"){
        self.show_right_tables = false;
        self.style_right_content = "";
        self.style_left_content = "";
        self.style_tables_content = ""; 

I have made this plunker using the same code to check the error and it works: https://plnkr.co/edit/vbBhVCrkpLyRl63Lwlur我使用相同的代码制作了这个 plunker 来检查错误并且它有效: https ://plnkr.co/edit/vbBhVCrkpLyRl63Lwlur

I don't understand anything.我什么都不明白。 Why is it not working in my web application while in the plunker works fine?为什么它在我的 Web 应用程序中不起作用而在 plunker 中工作正常? What happend?发生了什么事?

Edit 1 : My goal is to get the id of the object over I have made a clic.编辑 1 :我的目标是在我创建了一个 clic 后获取对象的 id。 With Firefox, Chrome and Chromium.使用 Firefox、Chrome 和 Chromium。 Right now, the id from the event is retrieved only by Firefox.现在,事件的 id 只能由 Firefox 检索。 With Chrome and Chromium the event is fired by I can't retrieve the id from the object event.使用 Chrome 和 Chromium 时,事件是由我无法从对象事件中检索 id 触发的。

Edit 2: I have added a trace to my code to know is event variable is null or not and when I make click in Chrome o Chromium event variable is not null but the id is not detected!!!编辑 2:我在我的代码中添加了一条跟踪,以了解事件变量是否为空,以及当我在 Chrome 中单击时 o Chromium 事件变量不为空但未检测到 id !

    $scope.changeView = function(event){
    if (event == null)
        console.log("event is NULL");
        console.log("event IS NOT NULL");
    console.log("evento: " + event.target.id);
    if (event.target.id == "removeLeftTables"){
        self.show_left_tables = false;
        self.style_left_content = "";
        self.style_right_content = "";
        self.style_tables_content = "";     

    if (event.target.id == "removeRightTables"){
        self.show_right_tables = false;
        self.style_right_content = "";
        self.style_left_content = "";
        self.style_tables_content = ""; 


You can try by currentTarget instead of target .您可以尝试使用currentTarget而不是target Because of currentTarget get the element whose event listeners triggered a specific event由于currentTarget获取其事件侦听器触发特定事件的元素

self.changeView = function(event) {
    console.log("evento: " + event.currentTarget.id);

It may help you它可能会帮助你

Take a look at fixed fiddle: https://plnkr.co/edit/QftJvAhSYmfq57zknWq8?p=preview看看固定小提琴: https ://plnkr.co/edit/QftJvAhSYmfq57zknWq8 ? p =preview

In common case you should use $scope.checkClick() in controllers instead of this.checkClick() :通常情况下,您应该在控制器中使用$scope.checkClick()而不是this.checkClick()

$scope.checkClic = function(obj) {
    console.log("obj: " + obj);

and there is no point to call method in html like ctrl.methodName() .并且没有必要像ctrl.methodName()那样在 html 中调用方法。

You can just do:你可以这样做:

<button ng-click = "checkClick('Button Clicked!!!')">

Using this allowed only at services .仅允许在services使用此services Even in factories you shouldn't use this (use return {a:..., b: function(){...}} syntax.即使在factories您也不应该使用this (使用return {a:..., b: function(){...}}语法。

In controllers or directives you should use $scope (or scope for directives) to provide your methods to html在控制器或指令中,您应该使用$scope (或指令的scope )向 html 提供您的方法

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