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[英]MVC How to use View Model pattern when view has more fields than needed to save data

My MVC page is used for both Insert and Update. 我的MVC页面用于插入和更新。 So far it works fine for displaying the data but when the submit button is clicked, it errors: 到目前为止,它可以很好地显示数据,但是当单击“提交”按钮时,它会出错:

 "No parameterless constructor defined for this object."

 MissingMethodException: No parameterless constructor defined for this object.]

It will hit the paramaterless constructor, it is commented out right now. 它将击中无参数构造函数,现在被注释掉。 There are 50 extra fields on the viwemodel that are used for display only and not needed in insert/update. viwemodel上有50个额外字段,这些字段仅用于显示,在插入/更新中不需要。 There are less form fields on the form than in the viewmodel. 表单上的表单字段少于视图模型中的表单字段。

Is there working code example that handle this situation? 是否有可以处理这种情况的工作代码示例? I have seen the accepted answer here that may work, but I need a complete working example since I'm new to do this: 我在这里看到了可能有效的答案,但是由于我是新手,因此我需要一个完整的工作示例:

ASP.NET MVC - Proper usage of View Model and Command pattern ASP.NET MVC-正确使用视图模型和命令模式

    <form action="/incident/SaveIncident" method="post">  
                <input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="SubmitSave" />
               <br />
                 <select id="drpSite">
                        <option value="0">Pick a site...</option>
                        @foreach (var site in Model.Sites)
                            <option value="@site.SiteId">
                   <br />
                   upsert:@Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.objIncidentUpsert.UpsertBemsId, new { @class = "form-control" })
                  <br /> 
                  viewBOIncDesc1: @Html.TextBoxFor(model => Model.objIncident.IncidentModel.IncidentDescription1, new { @class = "form-control" })) 

IncidentViewModel.cs IncidentViewModel.cs

    public class IncidentViewModel
    public int IncidentId { get; set; }
    public IncidentModelBO objIncident  { get; set; }
    public IncidentModelUpsert objIncidentUpsert { get; set; }
    public IncidentViewModel(int incidentId)
        if (incidentId == 0)
            objIncident = new IncidentModelBO();
            IncidentId = incidentId;
            objIncident = IncidentModelBO.Get(incidentId);

     public IEnumerable<SiteModel> Sites {get; set;}

IncidentController.cs: IncidentController.cs:

    //public ActionResult SaveIncident()
    //    return new HttpStatusCodeResult(400, "Problem with inputxxx ");

    public ActionResult SaveIncident(IncidentViewModel objIncidentBO)
        string loggedinbemsid = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session[Utility.SessionKeyIndex.BEMSID.ToString()].ToString();

            objIncidentBO.objIncident.Create(loggedinbemsid, null);

            IncidentViewModel vwIncidentData = new IncidentViewModel(objIncidentBO.objIncident.IncidentModel.IncidentId);
            return View("index", vwIncidentData);
        catch (Exception e)
            return new HttpStatusCodeResult(400, "Problem with input: " + e.Message);

The error message is very clear: you need a parameterless constructor in your model class . 错误消息非常清楚: 模型类中需要无参数的构造函数

So you need to add another constructor without a parameter in your IncidentViewModel class or you need to remove the parameter from the existing one. 因此,您需要在IncidentViewModel类中添加另一个带参数的构造函数,或者从现有的构造函数中删除该参数。

I think you have to remove the constructor from your ViewModel .I think that viewmodels have nothing to do with data methods and constructors.Controllers are responsible for such duties, you can simply replace the constructor by something like this in the controller action : 我认为您必须从ViewModel中删除构造函数。我认为ViewModels与数据方法和构造函数无关。控制器负责此类职责,您可以在controller动作中简单地将其替换为类似的东西:

IncidentViewModel vwIncidentData = new IncidentViewModel();
if(objIncidentBO.objIncident.IncidentModel.IncidentId !=0)
vwIncidentData.IncidentId = objIncidentBO.objIncident.IncidentModel.IncidentId;
vwIncidentData.objIncident = IncidentModelBO.Get(incidentId);

Anyway this line may be causing you the execution error problem,so check it and be sure it is not null: 无论如何,此行可能会导致您执行错误,因此请检查并确保它不为null:


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