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[英]Find range by value Excel-VBA

I need a function or something to return me a range in which specified value were found. 我需要一个函数或一些东西来向我返回找到指定值的范围。

I am thinking about looping through specified range checking if the value in each cell equals the value I specified and building a range. 我正在考虑遍历指定的范围,检查每个单元格中的值是否等于我指定的值并建立一个范围。 Is there more elegant method? 有没有更优雅的方法?

Here is a function I built. 这是我建立的功能。 It returns a union range where the needed value were found: 它返回找到所需值的并集范围:

Private Function FindRange(what As String, lookin As Range) As Range

    Dim cell As Range

    On Error GoTo errhandler

    For Each cell In lookin.Cells
        If UCase(cell.Value) = UCase(what) Then

            If findrange Is Nothing Then
                Set findrange = cell
                Set findrange = Application.Union(findrange, cell)
            End If

        End If
    Next cell

    Exit Function

    findrange = CVErr(xlErrNA)

End Function

try the below code. 试试下面的代码。 You can get the results in cells itself by using the formula. 您可以使用公式在单元格本身中获得结果。


Public Function findvalueandrange(findingtext As String, r As Range) As String
    Dim cell As Range
    For Each cell In r.Cells
        If LCase(cell.Value) = LCase(findingtext) Then
            If findvalueandrange = "" Then
                findvalueandrange = cell.Address & ":" & cell.Value
                findvalueandrange = findvalueandrange & "|" & cell.Address & ":" & cell.Value
            End If
        End If
    Next cell
End Function

Hope you satisfied? 希望你满意吗?

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