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为什么即使我的SQLite版本支持`CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS`,我仍会收到DBD :: SQLite语法错误?

[英]Why do I get a syntax error with DBD::SQLite even though my version of SQLite supports `CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS`?

I am using SQLite v3 to write a Perl script. 我正在使用SQLite v3编写Perl脚本。 The sqlite version is 3.3.6. sqlite版本是3.3.6。

When I run sqlite on the command line it works. 当我在命令行上运行sqlite时,它可以工作。 But when I do the same thing in Perl it raises this error 但是当我在Perl中执行相同的操作时,会引发此错误

DBD::SQLite::db do failed: near "NOT": syntax error(1) at dbdimp.c line 268 at file line 2675. DBD :: SQLite :: db失败:在“ NOT”附近:dbdimp.c 268行在文件行2675处语法错误(1)。

This is what I do on the console: 这是我在控制台上所做的:

$ sqlite3 test.db
SQLite version 3.3.6
sqlite> create table if not exists  DATA_STATUS_VALUE (TYPE TEXT PRIMARY KEY, Seq INTEGER);
sqlite> .tables AllJobs            LOCKSTAT_VALUE     test_run12_data
DATA_STATUS_VALUE  STATUS_VALUE       test_run12_lock

The version of SQLite I'm using supports IF NOT EXISTS , so why am I getting an error? 我使用的SQLite版本支持IF NOT EXISTS ,为什么会出现错误?

This is my Perl code: 这是我的Perl代码:


use DBI;
my $driver = "SQLite";

$database = "test.db";
$dsn      = "DBI:$driver:dbname=$database";
$dbh      = DBI->connect( $dsn, undef, undef, { RaiseError => 1 } );


The version of SQLite I'm using supports IF NOT EXISTS, so why am I getting an error? 我使用的SQLite版本支持IF NOT EXISTS,那么为什么会出现错误?

Because DBD::SQLite isn't using the version of SQLite you already had installed. 因为DBD :: SQLite没有使用您已经安装的SQLite版本。 DBD::SQLite comes bundled with its own version of SQLite ; DBD :: SQLite捆绑了自己的SQLite版本 it will use the bundled version unless you tell it to use another version when you compile it. 除非您在编译时告诉它使用另一个版本,否则它将使用捆绑版本。

You can find out the version of SQLite that DBD::SQLite is using by running: 您可以通过运行以下命令找出DBD :: SQLite使用的SQLite版本:

perl -MDBD::SQLite -le'print $DBD::SQLite::sqlite_version'

Support for CREATE TABLE ... IF NOT EXISTS was added to SQLite in v3.3.0 . v3.3.0中的SQLite添加了CREATE TABLE ... IF NOT EXISTS 的支持 You should upgrade DBD::SQLite, since the newest version (1.50) comes bundled with SQLite 3.10.2. 您应该升级DBD :: SQLite,因为最新版本(1.50)与SQLite 3.10.2捆绑在一起。


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