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[英]How to create a TLS tunnel in Node.js

I'm trying to tunnel traffic received by my node.js server to a TLS connection. 我正在尝试将node.js服务器接收的流量隧道传输到TLS连接。 I have some code like this: 我有一些这样的代码:

function tunnel() {
  var c = tls.connect(443, 'myhost', {rejectUnauthorized: false});

  var server = net.createServer(function (socket) {
    socket.addListener("connect", function () {
      console.log("Connection from " + socket.remoteAddress);
      //sync the file descriptors, so that the socket data structures are the same
      c.fd = socket.fd;
      //pipe the incoming data from the client directly onto the server
      //and the response from the server back to the client

    socket.addListener("data", function (data) {
      console.log("Data received from client");

    socket.addListener("close", function () {


When I run it and test it, I see this in my terminal: 当我运行它并对其进行测试时,我会在终端中看到以下内容:

$ curl --insecure https://myhost:443
hello world

$ curl --insecure https://localhost:7000
# nothing... just hangs

In the server console, I see Data received from client , but never the connect callback. 在服务器控制台中,我看到Data received from client ,但是没有看到connect回调。

Am I on the right track? 我在正确的轨道上吗?

Sockets passed to a server's connection event handler (the callback you pass to createServer() ) are already connected, so there will never be a connect event (that is for client sockets created with net.connect() / tls.connect() ). 传递给服务器的connection事件处理程序(传递给createServer()的回调)的套接字已经连接,因此永远不会有connect事件(即使用net.connect() / tls.connect()创建的客户端套接字)。 。

Here is what a proxy would look like that only accepts one connection: 这是仅接受一个连接的代理的样子:

net.createServer(function(socket) {
  server.close(); // Stop listening for additional connections
  var upstream = tls.connect(443, 'myhost', {rejectUnauthorized: false});

I should also point out that using rejectUnauthorized: false is not secure. 我还应该指出,使用rejectUnauthorized: false是不安全的。 If you are using that because the upstream server is using a self-signed certificate, then you should instead set the ca option to the self-signed CA. 如果由于上游服务器使用的是自签名证书而使用该证书,则应将ca选项设置为自签名CA。 This will allow certificates signed by the CA and prevent MITM attacks. 这将允许CA签署证书,并防止MITM攻击。

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