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Google Spreadsheet-以工期格式转换总小时数

[英]Google Spreadsheet - Convert total hours in duration format

How do I convert a number of hours in duration? 如何转换持续时间?

Example: in cell A1 I have 176 . 示例:在单元格A1中,我有176

I want cell A2 to have 176:00:00 我希望单元格A2具有176:00:00

I want to transform the number 176 in 176 hours (duration). 我想在176小时(持续时间)中转换176。 Is that possible? 那可能吗? Because if I type 176 in a cell and format as duration, it converts to 4224:00:00 for some reasion ... thanks! 因为如果我在一个单元格中键入176并将其格式设置为持续时间,它会转换为4224:00:00以增加收益……谢谢!

The issue is how time is viewed. 问题是如何查看时间。 Dates are integers while time is a decimal based on a 24 hour period being 1. 日期是整数,而时间是小数,基于24小时为1。

To convert a number to time one must divide it by 24. In A2: 要将数字转换为时间,必须将其除以24。在A2中:


Will give a decimal value that then can be formatted as time that will give the correct number of hours. 将给出一个十进制值,然后可以将其格式化为时间,以给出正确的小时数。

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