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[英]Two modally presented view controllers - dismiss both

In my app are three view controllers; 在我的应用程序中,有三个视图控制器。 White, red, and blue. 白色,红色和蓝色。 White's is the main view of the app. White是应用程序的主视图。

On button taps, White modally presents Red. 在按钮轻击时,白色将呈现红色。 Red modally presents blue. 红色表示蓝色。 All is well. 一切都很好。 Blue has eg some form for the user to complete, then the user taps Dismiss on Blue. 蓝色具有例如供用户填写的某种形式,然后用户点击蓝色上的关闭。


Blue would like to return the user to the main UI, white. 蓝色想让用户返回主界面,白色。 When the user taps Dismiss, this runs: 当用户点击“关闭”时,将运行:

@IBAction func didTapDismissBoth(sender: AnyObject) {
    let red = presentingViewController!
    let white = red.presentingViewController!
    white.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)

Both Red & Blue do indeed dismiss, but Blue vanishes immediately and Red is seen doing the dismissal animation! 红色和蓝色确实都可以消除,但是蓝色立即消失 ,可以看到红色在进行消除动画! The flash of red is visually jarring and easily visible in the Simulator when Slow Animations are on. 启用“慢速动画”时,红色闪烁会在视觉上震颤,并且在模拟器中很容易看到。

I would rather see Blue sliding gracefully off screen to reveal White. 我宁愿看到Blue优雅地滑出屏幕,露出White。

Can I prevent Red from rearing its ugly head when returning to White from Blue? 从蓝色返回白色时,我可以防止红色抬起丑陋的头吗?

I was able to simulate the effect I want by (in IB) setting Red's presentation style as "over current context". 通过(在IB中)将Red的表示样式设置为“在当前上下文中”,我能够模拟所需的效果。 This tells UIKit to keep Red's parent's (White) view around, so if eg Red has transparency in its view, White would show through. 这告诉UIKit保持Red的父(White)视图不变,因此,例如,如果Red在其视图中具有透明性,White将显示出来。

In the dismissal process, I set Red to completely transparent, and animate blue away. 在解雇过程中,我将“红色”设置为完全透明,并设置蓝色动画。

@IBAction func didTapDismissBoth(sender: AnyObject) {
    let red = presentingViewController!
    let white = red.presentingViewController!
    red.view.alpha = 0 // Red presents "over current context" so white's view still exists. White's view will show through this transparent red
    red.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: { // dismiss blue, revealing transparent red & white showing through
        white.dismissViewControllerAnimated(false, completion: nil) }) // dismiss red with no animation

Though this hides the problem of Red flashing, it doesn't explain the dismissal animation process; 尽管这掩盖了红色闪烁的问题,但并不能解释解雇动画的过程。 and means White's view stays around unnecessarily. 意味着怀特的观点不必要地徘徊。

I would use unwind segues for this. 我会为此放松一下。 You are using storyboards, why not take advantage of that. 您正在使用情节提要,为什么不利用它。 Just create an unwind segue from the blue view controller to the white one and you are done. 只需创建从蓝色视图控制器到白色视图控制器的放松序列即可。

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