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如何在 Jupyter 笔记本中包装代码/文本

[英]How to wrap code/text in Jupyter notebooks

I am using jupyter-notebooks for python coding.我正在使用 jupyter-notebooks 进行 python 编码。 Is there a way to wrap text/code in a jupyter notebook code cell?有没有办法将文本/代码包装在 jupyter 笔记本代码单元中?

Picture provided below.下面提供的图片。


By wrap text means "how text is wrapped in MS-word"通过换行文本表示“文本如何在 MS-word 中换行”

Find your configuration directory via jupyter --config-dir (mine is ~/.jupyter ).通过jupyter --config-dir找到你的配置目录(我的是~/.jupyter )。 Then edit or create nbconfig/notebook.json to add the following:然后编辑或创建nbconfig/notebook.json以添加以下内容:

  "MarkdownCell": {
    "cm_config": {
      "lineWrapping": true
  "CodeCell": {
    "cm_config": {
      "lineWrapping": true

(If you have something else in it, ensure you have valid JSON with no trailing commas after } s.) (如果您有其他内容,请确保您有有效的 JSON,在} s 之后没有尾随逗号。)

Restart Jupyter and reload your notebook.重新启动 Jupyter 并重新加载您的笔记本。

Source: https://github.com/jupyter/notebook/issues/106来源: https ://github.com/jupyter/notebook/issues/106

In addition to Dan's answer, you can apply line wrapping for all cells (code or markdown) by specifying the top object as Cell.除了 Dan 的回答之外,您还可以通过将顶部对象指定为 Cell 来对所有单元格(代码或降价)应用换行 Adding the code below to your ~/.jupyter/nbconfig/notebook.json将以下代码添加到您的~/.jupyter/nbconfig/notebook.json

  "Cell": {
    "cm_config": {
      "lineWrapping": true

Ex: This is my cell config例如:这是我的单元格配置

  "Cell": {
    "cm_config": {
      "lineNumbers": false,
      "lineWrapping": true

Easiest for me was this, straightforward and does not require a pip install:对我来说最简单的是这个,简单明了,不需要 pip 安装:

from textwrap import wrap
long_str = 'I rip wrap unravel when I time travel, with beats in my head'
lines = wrap(long_str, 20) #wrap outputs a list of lines
print('\n'.join(lines))    #so join 'em with newline

#I rip wrap unravel
#when I time travel,
#with beats in my

This may not be as satisfactory of an answer but while working Google Colab, I use the three single quote marks above and below the line of comments.这可能不是一个令人满意的答案,但在使用 Google Colab 时,我在评论行的上方和下方使用了三个单引号。 Once quote marks are in place, I can hit return where I see fit.一旦引号到位,我可以在我认为合适的地方点击回车。

Original comment:原评论:

# Using the number of rows from the original concatenated dataframe and the trimmed dataframe, quantify the percent difference between the number of rows lost


''' Using the number of rows from the original concatenated dataframe and the trimmed dataframe, quantify the percent difference between the number of rows lost ''' ''' 使用原始连接数据帧和修剪数据帧的行数,量化丢失的行数之间的百分比差异 '''

Here is a screen grab of the solution:这是解决方案的屏幕截图: 在此处输入图像描述

I am working with Jupyter notebook ( .ipynb ) through VSC Visual Studio Code, and I did find out that setting line/word wrapping could be set as follows:我正在通过 VSC Visual Studio Code 使用 Jupyter notebook ( .ipynb ),我确实发现设置行/自动换行可以设置如下:

  1. hit F1F1
  2. choose Preferences: Open Settings (UI)选择首选项:打开设置 (UI)
  3. start typing in wrap开始输入wrap
  4. Editor: Word Wrap Controls how lines should wrap pops up, change to On编辑器: Word Wrap控制弹出的行应该如何换行,更改为On

It works for code (Python cells).它适用于代码(Python 单元)。 Markdown cells work fine even without changing above setting.即使不更改上述设置,Markdown 单元格也可以正常工作。

You can do:你可以做:

Settings > Advanced setting Editor > TextEditor > checkbox enable Line Wrap.设置 > 高级设置编辑器 > 文本编辑器 > 复选框启用换行。


Since none of these solutions worked for me, I opted for a different approach and wrote a simple column-wrapping print function that you can use to manually guarantee that the lines of any string will remain in view, for simple output checking scenarios.由于这些解决方案都不适合我,我选择了一种不同的方法并编写了一个简单的列换行打印 function ,您可以使用它来手动保证任何字符串的行都将保留在视图中,用于简单的 output 检查场景。

def printwr( item, wrapCol=70 ):
    """ wrap printing to column limit """
    posit = 0
    while True:
        # if remaining legnth eq/less than wrapCol, print and rturn
        if len(item[posit:]) <= wrapCol: print(item[posit:]); return
        # else take wrapCol chars from last index
        llim = posit+wrapCol+1
        # if more than one item, drop last contiguous non-space sequence (word)
        lineSpl = item[posit:llim].split(' ')
        segment = ' '.join(lineSpl[:-1]) if len(lineSpl)>1 else lineSpl
        # print segment and increment posit by length segment
        posit += len(segment)+1

For example, for例如,对于

exampleStr = "populations tend to cluster in the foothills and periphery of the rugged Hindu Kush range; smaller groups are found in many of the country's interior valleys; in general, the east is more densely settled, while the south is sparsely populated"



populations tend to cluster in the foothills and periphery of the rugged Hindu Kush range;人口倾向于聚集在崎岖的兴都库什山脉的山麓和外围; smaller groups are found in many of the country's interior valleys;在该国的许多内陆山谷中发现了较小的群体; in general, the east is more densely settled, while the south is sparsely populated总体来说,东部人烟稠密,南部人烟稀少

Shortest Answer Ever有史以来最短的答案

Try adding a ' \ ' in between the lines of code you need to split.尝试在需要拆分的代码行之间添加“\”。

This allows you to split your code over different lines and helps it look prettier.这允许您将代码拆分为不同的行并帮助它看起来更漂亮。

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