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[英]How to call class method inside a Laravel view?

I'm trying to find a way to call a method from within my class file inside a blade file. 我试图找到一种方法,可以从刀片文件中的类文件中调用方法。 foo() uses the $item variable from the foreach loop. foo()使用foreach循环中的$item变量。 Since I'm looping inside the blade file, I'm unable, or rather, it's bad practise, to call a controller method inside a view, or so I've heard. 由于我正在刀片文件中循环,因此我无法(或者更确切地说,)在视图中调用控制器方法是不明智的,或者我听说过。

MyController 我的控制器

public function getData() {
  $data = DB::paginate(10);
  return view('view', ['data' => $data]);

public function foo($var) {
 //do something with $var
 return $var

view.blade.php view.blade.php

@foreach ($data as $item)

 <td>{{ //myController::foo($item) is Essentially the output I need }} </td>


Since $item is generated in the foreach (which is inside the view), I don't know how to call method before it's past to the view in the return statement. 由于$item是在foreach (位于视图内部)中生成的,因此我不知道如何在方法返回到return语句中的视图之前调用方法。

Any suggestions? 有什么建议么?

Just share your controller with your view: 只需与您的视图共享您的控制器即可:

Controller: 控制器:

public function getData() {
    $data = DB::paginate(10);

    return view('view', [
        'data' => $data, 
        'controller' => $this,

View: 视图:

@foreach ($data as $item)

 <td>{{ $controller->foo($item) }} </td>


The better way would be to generate the output in the controller: 更好的方法是在控制器中生成输出:

public function getData() {
    $data = DB::paginate(10);

    $data = array_map(function($item) {
        $item->output = $this->foo($item);

        return $item;
    }, $data);

    return view('view', [
        'data' => $data,

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