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从控制器(不是模板)中的资产组获取资产URL Symfony2

[英]Get assets urls from assetic group in controller (not template) Symfony2

I wonder if how could I load an assetic group of assets from inside my controller. 我想知道如何从控制器内部加载一组资产资产。

my config.yml: 我的config.yml:

        - 'bundles/belkapanel/js/*.js'
        - 'bundles/belkapanel/router.js'

Using twig, the solution is very simple: 使用细枝,解决方案非常简单:

{% javascripts '@systemassets'%}
<script src="{{ asset_url }}"></script>
{% endjavascripts %}

it will resolve the path wildcard and generate an single .js file with the content of all files found inside "systemassets". 它将解析路径通配符,并生成一个.js文件,其中包含在“ systemassets”中找到的所有文件的内容。

However, I want to get the generated .js file inside an controller. 但是,我想在控制器内部获取生成的.js文件。 I know it is possible, but reading the symfony's assetic-bundle I only found AsseticHelper with "javascripts" method, but I don't know how to use it, I think it is used after the packagename and wildcards are resolved. 我知道这是可能的,但是阅读symfony的assetic-bundle时,我仅使用“ javascripts”方法找到了AsseticHelper,但我不知道如何使用它,我认为它是在软件包名称和通配符解析后使用的。

/** @var DynamicAsseticHelper $asseticDynamic */
$asseticDynamic = $this->get('assetic.helper.dynamic');

$assets = $asseticDynamic->javascripts('systemassets'); // Doesn't work!

I'm looking at AsseticTokenParser, I think it is the solution, am I right? 我正在查看AsseticTokenParser,我认为这是解决方案,对吗? can someone help me find the solution? 有人可以帮助我找到解决方案吗?

This should work: 这应该工作:

$assets = $asseticDynamic->javascripts(array('@systemassets'));

See this documentation chapter for more details (check PHP version). 有关更多详细信息,请参见本文档章节 (检查PHP版本)。

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