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FB Canvas应用程序未使用Canvas URL重定向到移动站点URL

[英]FB Canvas App not redirecting to Mobile Site URL using Canvas URL

I tried using the canvas url ( https://apps.facebook.com/appnamespace ) on mobile but getting a not found response from facebook. 我尝试在移动设备上使用画布网址( https://apps.facebook.com/appnamespace ),但未从Facebook得到响应。 On desktop version functions as per normal.And this is happening on 2 of our new apps that are currently under test mode. 桌面版本正常运行,这是在我们目前测试模式下的两个新应用程序中发生的。

Montaser Mossallem I am using your method to create a redirect script in my FB canvas, but if I use smartphone to click this App, I will see the desktop-canvas screen and redirect to the mobile site soon. Montaser Mossallem我正在使用您的方法在FB画布中创建重定向脚本,但是如果我使用智能手机单击此应用程序,我将看到桌面画布屏幕并很快重定向到移动站点。 But I test your website http://apps.facebook.com/funeral-buddy/ , It will directly redirect to mobile site without desktop-canvas screen. 但我测试了您的网站http://apps.facebook.com/funeral-buddy/ ,它将直接重定向到移动网站,而没有桌面画布屏幕。 Appreciate if you can tell me how to do it. 谢谢您能告诉我该怎么做。 Many thanks 非常感谢

Bobby 鲍比

Hi Could you see that on your mobile ? 嗨,您能在手机上看到吗? http://apps.facebook.com/funeral-buddy/ it works , the resolve you need to delete mobile site url from your facebook apps then put javascript code to handle it as a manually , check url if this url includes 'facebook' and check device if it mobile redirect them by this location.href http://apps.facebook.com/funeral-buddy/可以正常工作,您需要从Facebook应用中删除移动网站网址的解决方法,然后将javascript代码作为手动方式处理,请检查该网址是否包含“ facebook”并检查设备是否通过此位置将其重定向。

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