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animateWithDuration在viewWillAppear iOS 9目标C中不起作用

[英]animateWithDuration not working in viewWillAppear ios 9 objective c

Using Xcode Version 7.2.1 (7C1002), SDK iOS 9.2 使用Xcode版本7.2.1(7C1002),SDK iOS 9.2

Trying to animate imageView from left(offscreen) to right and have the animation repeat . 尝试从左(屏幕外)向右制作imageView动画,并使动画重复 I know the animation works as desired in viewDidLoad, but it's not ideal since the animation stops when a new controller is presented or the app has gone to the background and back to the foreground. 我知道动画在viewDidLoad中可以按预期工作,但是这不是理想的,因为当出现新的控制器或应用程序进入后台并回到前台时,动画会停止。 I would like the animation to restart when the controller appears again. 我希望动画在控制器再次出现时重新启动。 When I move the code to viewwillappear, the animation never happens. 当我将代码移动到viewwill时,动画永远不会发生。

I've tried: 我试过了:

  1. adding performSelector with a delay of 3 seconds -> doesn't animate 添加performSelector延迟3秒->不设置动画
  2. wrapping the animateWithDuration in dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ ... }); 将animateWithDuration包装在dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(),^ {...})中; -> doesn't animate ->不动画
  3. override viewDidLayoutSubviews method and call animation code from there -> doesn't animate 覆盖viewDidLayoutSubviews方法并从那里调用动画代码->不设置动画

the only time the animation works is when called from viewDidLoad. 动画工作的唯一时间是从viewDidLoad调用时。 Any help would be appreciated. 任何帮助,将不胜感激。 I must be missing something really obvious. 我一定想念一些确实很明显的东西。 here's the code (which doesn't work)... 这是代码(不起作用)...

MainViewController.h MainViewController.h

@property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UIImageView *movingL2R_1_ImageView;
@property (nonatomic) IBOutlet NSLayoutConstraint  *movingL2R_1_LeadingConstraint;

MainViewController.m MainViewController.m

- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
   [super viewDidAppear:animated];
   [self startAnimations];

-(void) startAnimations{
   [self animateMovingL2R_1_ImageView];
   // other animations will go here...

-(void) animateMovingL2R_1_ImageView {

   NSTimeInterval animateInterval = 15;

   [UIView animateWithDuration:animateInterval delay:0 options:UIViewAnimationOptionCurveEaseOut | UIViewAnimationOptionRepeat animations:^{

        self.movingL2R_1_LeadingConstraint.constant = 500;
        [self.movingL2R_1_ImageView layoutIfNeeded];

    } completion:^(BOOL finished) {
        // back to original position
        self.movingL2R_1_LeadingConstraint.constant = -100;

NOTE: the movingL2R_1_LeadingConstraint is set to -100 in Interface Builder so that is where it starts. 注意:MovingL2R_1_LeadingConstraint在Interface Builder中设置为-100,因此它是从此处开始的。

storyboard entry point --> MainController 故事板入口点-> MainController

As stated, the code above works perfectly if [self startAnimations]; 如前所述,如果[self startAnimations]; ,则上面的代码可以完美地工作[self startAnimations]; is called in viewDidLoad, but not in viewDidAppear, but this answer helped me discover the subtle issue . 在viewDidLoad中调用,但在viewDidAppear中未调用,但是此答案帮助我发现了微妙的问题

To get it working in viewDidAppear I needed to replace 为了使其在viewDidAppear中工作,我需要更换

[self.movingL2R_1_ImageView layoutIfNeeded];


[self.view layoutIfNeeded];

all is right with the world again. 一切都再次与世界同在。

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