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Webgrid中的jQuery Dynamic工具提示

[英]jQuery Dynamic tooltip inside a Webgrid

How would I go about adding a Tooltip to a specific set of values in a MVC webgrid? 如何将工具提示添加到MVC网络网格中的一组特定值? The purpose of this tool tip will to be show a dynamic price which is located in a back-end database. 该工具提示的目的是显示位于后端数据库中的动态价格。 When the user hovers over any cells in column 6 after row 1, I want to display the tooltip. 当用户将鼠标悬停在第1行后第6列的任何单元格上时,我要显示工具提示。 I have looked at Bootstrap Tooltips but I'm unsure what selector to use. 我看过Bootstrap工具提示,但不确定使用什么选择器。 The desired column is shown below in red: 所需的列以红色显示在下面:


Here is the code snippet for my MVC webgrid: 这是我的MVC Webgrid的代码片段:

    htmlAttributes: new { id="productSearchGrid" },
    tableStyle: "table table-hover table-bordered table-responsive",
    columns: grid.Columns(
        grid.Column("ID", "Product ID", style: "span1", canSort: true),
        grid.Column("ProductTypeDescription", "Product Type", style: "span2", canSort: true),
        grid.Column("ProductName", "Product Name", style: "span2", canSort: true),
        grid.Column("Price", "Current Price", format: (item) => String.Format("{0:C}", @item.Price), style: "span2", canSort: true),
        grid.Column("EffectiveDate", "Effective Date", (format: (item) => (item.EffectiveDate != DateTime.MinValue && item.EffectiveDate
            != null ? new HtmlString(
            ).ToString() : new HtmlString("---").ToString())), style: "span2", canSort: false),
        grid.Column("TerminateDate", "Terminate Date", (format: (item) => (item.TerminateDate != DateTime.MinValue && item.TerminateDate
            != null ? new HtmlString(
            ).ToString() : new HtmlString("---").ToString())), style: "span2", canSort: false),
        grid.Column("Select", format: (item) =>
            new HtmlString(
            Html.ActionLink("Select", "AddOrEditProduct", "Product", new
                    productID = item.ID
                }, null).ToString()

Edit: I want to accomplish something very similar to here . 编辑:我想完成与此处非常相似的操作。

After reviewing this SO answer, I was able to figure out how to get a tooltip to show up for a specific column (excluding the column header). 在查看了 SO答案之后,我能够弄清楚如何获得针对特定列(不包括列标题)的工具提示。 Here is my updated code snippet: 这是我更新的代码片段:

    htmlAttributes: new { id="productSearchGrid" },
    tableStyle: "table table-hover table-bordered table-responsive",
    columns: grid.Columns(
        grid.Column("ID", "Product ID", style: "span1", canSort: true),
        grid.Column("ProductTypeDescription", "Product Type", style: "span2", canSort: true),
        grid.Column("ProductName", "Product Name", style: "span2", canSort: true),
        grid.Column("Price", "Current Price", format: (item) => String.Format("{0:C}", @item.Price), style: "span2", canSort: true),
        grid.Column("EffectiveDate", "Effective Date", (format: (item) => (item.EffectiveDate != DateTime.MinValue && item.EffectiveDate
            != null ? new HtmlString(
            ).ToString() : new HtmlString("---").ToString())), style: "span2", canSort: false),
        grid.Column("TerminateDate", "Terminate Date", (format: (item) => (item.TerminateDate != DateTime.MinValue && item.TerminateDate
            != null ? @Html.Raw(("<span id='' title='" + item.Price + "'>" + item.TerminateDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
            ).ToString() + "</span>") : new HtmlString("---").ToString())), style: "span2", canSort: false),
        grid.Column("Select", format: (item) =>
            new HtmlString(
            Html.ActionLink("Select", "AddOrEditProduct", "Product", new
                    productID = item.ID
                }, null).ToString()

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