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Angular 2:从另一个组件调用现有组件

[英]Angular 2: Call existing component from another component

I'm creating an app with Angular 2 using the routing features, and I have a popup component that is rendered by one of the higher up routes, and I want to open it on a click event in a component that is rendered by one of the deeper routes. 我正在使用路由功能创建一个使用Angular 2的应用程序,并且我有一个由更高的路由之一呈现的弹出组件,并且我想在由其中一个组件呈现的组件中的单击事件上打开它。更深的路线。

For example, let's say I have a base router with a template containing the popup: 例如,假设我有一个基本路由器,其中包含一个包含弹出窗口的模板:

    selector: 'application',
    template: '<router-outlet></router-outlet><popup-component></popup-component>',
    directives: [PopupComponent]
    { ... },
    { ... }
export class AppRoute { }

And a simple popup component with an open method: 一个带有open方法的简单弹出组件:

    selector: 'popup-component',
    template: '<div [class.show]="isVisible">This is a popup.</div>'
export class PopupComponent {
    public isVisible: boolean = false;
    show() {
        this.isVisible = true;

How can I call this show method on that specific PopupComponent that was already rendered by the AppRoute from another component that resides somewhere down in the routing tree? 如何在已由AppRoute从位于路由树中某处的另一个组件呈现的特定PopupComponent上调用此show方法?

I have tried using dependency injection like this: 我试过像这样使用依赖注入:

    selector: 'my-component',
    template: '<button (click)="showPopup()"></button>'
export class MyComponent {
    constructor(private popup: PopupComponent) { }
    showPopup() {

But this just creates a new instance of the PopupComponent that isn't actually rendered yet. 但这只是创建了一个尚未实际渲染的PopupComponent的新实例。 How can I call the one that is rendered by the AppRoute? 如何调用AppRoute呈现的那个?

You need a shared service 您需要共享服务

import {Injectable} from 'angular2/core';
import {Subject} from 'rxjs/Rx';
export class PopupService{
   show:Subject<boolean> = new Subject();

Add the service to providers in AppRoute 将服务添加到AppRoute提供程序

    selector: 'application',
export class AppRoute { }

Inject the service to popup-component and subscribe to the show subject. 将服务注入popup-component并订阅节目主题。

    selector: 'popup-component',
    template: '<div [class.show]="isVisible">This is a popup.</div>'
export class PopupComponent {
    public isVisible: boolean = false;
    constructor(private popup: PopupService) {
      popup.show.subscribe( (val:boolean) => this.isVisible = val );

Inject it to any component where you want to show the popup, call next on the show subject; 将它注入要显示弹出窗口的任何组件,在show subject上调用next ;

    selector: 'my-component',
    template: '<button (click)="showPopup()"></button>'
export class MyComponent {
    constructor(private popup: PopupService) { }
    showPopup() {

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