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具有多个 URL 的 srcset 的 IIS 出站重写规则

[英]IIS Outbound Rewrite Rule for srcset with multiple URLs

I have something like this in my html response:我的 html 响应中有这样的内容:

  srcset="http://www.test.com/image1-300x200.jpg 300w, http://www.test.com/image1.jpg 600w" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" />

I'd like to use IIS outbound rewrite rule to replace all references to www.test.com with www.foo.com.我想使用 IIS 出站重写规则将所有对 www.test.com 的引用替换为 www.foo.com。 How can I do this when an attribute (in this case the srcset ) has multiple instances of the URL?当属性(在本例中为srcset )具有多个 URL 实例时,我该如何执行此操作?

Here's what my rule currently looks like:这是我的规则目前的样子:

    <rule name="Blog Paths" preCondition="IsBlog">
        <match filterByTags="Img, CustomTags" customTags="BlogTags" pattern="^http://www.test.com(.*)$" />
        <action type="Rewrite" value="http://www.foo.com{R:1}" />
        <preCondition name="IsBlog">
            <add input="{RESPONSE_Content_Type}" pattern="^text/html" />
            <add input="{RESPONSE_X_Content_Source}" pattern="^blog" />
        <tags name="BlogTags">
            <tag name="img" attribute="srcset" />

But of course only the first URL in each attribute gets overwritten:但当然只有每个属性中的第一个 URL 会被覆盖:

  srcset="http://www.foo.com/image1-300x200.jpg 300w, http://www.test.com/image1.jpg 600w" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" />

How can I rewrite all instances of www.test.com to www.foo.com ?如何将www.test.com所有实例重写为www.foo.com

Change your rule as follows:更改规则如下:

    <match filterByTags="Img, CustomTags" customTags="BlogTags" pattern="(.*)http://www.test.com(.*)" />
    <action type="Rewrite" value="{R:1}http://www.foo.com{R:2}" />

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