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[英]Multiple touch targets in ion-item

I have an ion-list where each ion-item has a href to navigate to the next page (master -> detail). 我有一个离子列表,其中每个离子项目都有一个href导航到下一页(主菜单->详细信息)。 So on-tap event of an ion-item it will navigate to the detail page (as expected). 因此,离子项目的轻按事件将导航到详细信息页面(如预期)。

However, I have a button inside each ion-item that performs an action. 但是,每个离子项目内部都有一个执行动作的按钮。 The issue at hand here is that there are two touch-targets. 这里的问题是有两个触摸目标。 When tapping on the button inside the ion-item both the button's event is fired as well as the surrounding ion-item's event. 当点击离子项目内部的按钮时,按钮的事件以及周围的离子项目的事件都会被触发。

The button inside ion-item uses the ng-click event and the ion-item is fired by the href. ion-item内的按钮使用ng-click事件,href触发ion-item。

I want to be able to tap the button inside the ion-item without firing the href event on the ion-item. 我希望能够在不触发离子项目上的href事件的情况下点击离子项目内的按钮。

Add $event.stopPropogation() after executing the desired scope function in ng-click (the deeper one, which is the button in this case). ng-click执行所需的作用域函数后,添加$event.stopPropogation() (较深的一个,在本例中为按钮)。

Example: 例:

  <ion-item ng-click="someFunction()">
    List Item
    <button class="button button-small" ng-click="anotherFunction(); $event.stopPropagation();;">List Button</button>

For the above example, whenever you click the button, only anotherFunction() will be executed. 对于上面的示例,每当您单击按钮时,将仅执行anotherFunction() When you click the list item, only someFunction() will be executed. 当您单击列表项时,将只执行someFunction()

Best of luck! 祝你好运!

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