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[英]C# Send information over TCP

I'm still learning C#, so don't yell at me for not doing anything right. 我仍在学习C#,所以不要对我做的不正确大喊大叫。 Also, i know I should probably be using WPF, but in my current condition I need to use winForms. 另外,我知道我可能应该使用WPF,但是在当前条件下,我需要使用winForms。

Client: 客户:

public void sendData(String dataIn)
    String IP = textBox1.Text;
    String Port = textBox2.Text;
    net.Send(dataIn, IP, Port);

Server: 服务器:

public string listenForData()
    String dataOut = net.Listen();
    return dataOut;

How do I create a method that takes a string and sends it to a server application. 如何创建一个采用字符串并将其发送到服务器应用程序的方法。 I know it has something to do with TCP sockets. 我知道它与TCP套接字有关。 I've looked but I don't understand any tutorials or videos i've found. 我已经看过,但不了解所找到的任何教程或视频。

Thanks in advance, Noah. 在此先感谢,诺亚。

You could try looking into the TCP Client Class. 您可以尝试查看TCP客户端类。

https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.net.sockets.tcpclient(v=vs.110).aspx https://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/system.net.sockets.tcpclient(v=vs.110).aspx

You can get the stream from tcp client and use that to write your string to, by converting the string to a byte[] first. 您可以从tcp客户端获取流并将其写入字符串,方法是先将字符串转换为byte []。

// Setup TCP Client with valid values first. Make Client and stream private or public variables/properties.

TCPClient client = new TCPClient(IP, (int)Port); // Following validation on Port & IP
NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream();

private void SendDataToServer(String dataIn) {
     Byte[] StringToSend = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(dataIn);
     stream.Write(StringToSend, 0, StringToSend.Length);

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