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[英]How to add a context menu to a supertabControl

I'm using DotNetBar component SuperTabControl , and I want to display the context menu if the user right click a tab, I found the following code but the problem is my SuperTabControl doesn't have the GetTabRect function. 我正在使用DotNetBar组件SuperTabControl ,如果用户右键单击选项卡,我想显示上下文菜单,我找到了以下代码,但是问题是我的SuperTabControl没有GetTabRect函数。

if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
                for (int i = 0; i < this.superTabControl1.Tabs.Count; ++i)
                    Rectangle r = this.superTabControl1.GetTabRect(i);
                    if (r.Contains(e.Location))
                       //display menu 

As long as there is no answer for my question, I used this code in order to manage closing tabs basing on selected option on my context menu. 只要我的问题没有答案,我就使用此代码来管理基于上下文菜单中所选选项的关闭选项卡。 To close all the tabs except the seelcted one I used this code. 要关闭所有选项卡,除了封闭的选项卡,我使用了此代码。

for (int i = this.superTabControl1.Tabs.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                BaseItem item = this.superTabControl1.Tabs[i];
                if (!item.Equals(this.superTabControl1.SelectedTab))
                    (item as SuperTabItem).Close();

To close all the tabs. 关闭所有标签。

 for (int i = this.superTabControl1.Tabs.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
                BaseItem item = this.superTabControl1.Tabs[i];
                (item as SuperTabItem).Close();

To close the selected Tab I used this code: 要关闭所选标签,我使用了以下代码:


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