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[英]Covert object to array of combinations/objects

Using lodash or underscore. 使用lodash或下划线。 I'm trying to convert this object: 我正在尝试转换此对象:

  "variations": {
    "versions": ["sport", "generic"],
    "devices": ["mobile", "tablet"]

to this: 对此:

var variations = [{
  "version": "sport",
  "device": "mobile"
}, {
  "version": "sport",
  "device": "tablet"
}, {
  "version": "generic",
  "device": "mobile"
}, {
  "version": "generic",
  "device": "tablet"

What's the best/shortest method to do this? 最好/最短的方法是什么?

Not sure with lodash or undesrcore. 不确定lodash或undesrcore。 But with simple jquery i have done this. 但是用简单的jQuery,我做到了。 take a look. 看一看。

var object={
  "variations": {
    "versions": ["sport", "generic"],
    "devices": ["mobile", "tablet"]
var variations=[];
$.each(object.variations.versions, function(i, j) { 
    $.each(object.variations.devices, function(k, l) { 

I think you wanna set object key to new variable name and do combinations of inside object values. 我想您想将object key设置为新的variable name ,并进行内部对象值的组合。

<script type="text/javascript">
//here I created two object keys for more clear
var json ={
  "variations": {
    "versions": ["sport", "generic"],
    "devices": ["mobile", "tablet"]
  "another_variations": {
    "versions": ["sport", "generic"],
    "devices": ["mobile", "tablet"]

for(var i in json){     
     window[i] = []; //here window[variable] will make global variable
     ver = Object.keys(json[i])[0];//Object.keys(json[i]) get object keys ~["versions","devices"]
     dev = Object.keys(json[i])[1];
console.log(variations);        //here can call object key as a variable name if you 
console.log(another_variations);//don't use `window[variable]` in above, this will print undefined error

Found a solution using: https://gist.github.com/wassname/a882ac3981c8e18d2556 使用以下方法找到了解决方案: https : //gist.github.com/wassname/a882ac3981c8e18d2556

  cartesianProductOf: function(args) {
    if (arguments.length > 1) args = _.toArray(arguments);
    // strings to arrays of letters
    args = _.map(args, opt => typeof opt === 'string' ? _.toArray(opt) : opt)
    return _.reduce(args, function(a, b) {
      return _.flatten(_.map(a, function(x) {
        return _.map(b, function(y) {
          return _.concat(x, [y]);
      }), true);
    }, [
  cartesianProductObj: function(optObj) {
    var keys = _.keys(optObj);
    var opts = _.values(optObj);
    var combs = _.cartesianProductOf(opts);
    return _.map(combs, function(comb) {
      return _.zipObject(keys, comb);

See working: 查看工作:

https://jsfiddle.net/rickysullivan/5ryf9jsa/ https://jsfiddle.net/rickysullivan/5ryf9jsa/

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