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[英]In-App Billing Titanium android is giving :IAB_RESULT_UNKNOWN_ERROR

I am implementing In-App billing using ti.inappbilling module in titanium. 我正在使用钛中的ti.inappbilling模块实施应用内结算。 Everything working fine i am getting purchase confirmation email on my registered email address but instead of returning InAppBilling.RESULT_OK response code it is returning InAppBilling.IAB_RESULT_UNKNOWN_ERROR response. 一切正常,我在注册的电子邮件地址上收到购买确认电子邮件,但没有返回InAppBilling.RESULT_OK响应代码,而是返回InAppBilling.IAB_RESULT_UNKNOWN_ERROR响应。 I am testing with real products defined in play store app and app is also in beta version. 我正在测试Play商店应用中定义的真实产品,并且该应用也处于Beta版。

Can anyone please help me out to get success response and resolve the issue. 谁能帮我获得成功的答复并解决问题。

Thanks. 谢谢。

Make sure the following things are done. 确保完成以下操作。

  1. The app is published. 该应用已发布。

  2. The account your are using to test is listed in beta tester list. Beta测试员列表中列出了您要测试的帐户。

  3. You accept to be tester in that account. 您接受该帐户中的测试人员。

  4. Created product is active. 创建的产品处于活动状态。

Also after adding the product it takes a while to take effect. 此外,添加产品后还需要一段时间才能生效。 In my case it took two days although it was active. 以我为例,尽管它很活跃,却花了两天时间。

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