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[英]QML accessing your qml component

I am using QML for developing a front end and I have an issue accessing a component from my main QML Window. 我正在使用QML开发前端,但是从主QML窗口访问组件时遇到问题。 So, my main QML window is something as: 因此,我的主要QML窗口如下所示:

ApplicationWindow {
    id: rootWindow
    objectName: "window"

    property Component mainScreen: MainScreen {} // my component

    // This is a slot that gets called from C++ side.
    // The function gets called fine.
    function videoDone() {

The MainScreen component is written in MainScreen.qml file as: MainScreen组件写在MainScreen.qml文件中为:

ControlView {
    id: mainScreenView
    objectName: "MainScreenView"

    function doVideo() {

However, this does not work as expected and I get the error: 但是,这不能按预期方式工作,并且出现错误:

TypeError: Property 'doVideo' of object QQmlComponent is not a function

I think the issue is that the full definition of MainScreen is not being seen at the ApplicationWindow level. 我认为问题在于在ApplicationWindow级别上看不到MainScreen的完整定义。 I tried to see if I can cast it but no success. 我试图看看是否可以投放,但没有成功。

Also mainScreen.objectName returns a null string rather than MainScreenView 同样mainScreen.objectName返回一个空字符串,而不是MainScreenView

I think the right way to use the MainScreen component is doing something like this: 我认为使用MainScreen组件的正确方法是执行以下操作:

main.qml main.qml

import QtQuick 2.5
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4

ApplicationWindow {
    id: rootWindow
    objectName: "window"
    visible: true

    MainScreen { id: mainScreen } // my component

    Component.onCompleted: {

MainScreen.qml (same code than you, but I've used Item instead of ControlView just to check the compilation) MainScreen.qml (与您的代码相同,但是我使用Item代替ControlView只是为了检查编译情况)

import QtQuick 2.5

Item {
    id: mainScreenView
    objectName: "MainScreenView"

    function doVideo() {

Another option would be to create the component dynamically . 另一种选择是动态创建组件。

Instead of 代替

Property Component mainscreen: MainScreen { } 属性组件主屏幕:MainScreen {}

Use 采用

Property var mainscreen: MainScreen { } 属性var mainscreen:MainScreen {}

Here is sample code 这是示例代码

main.qml main.qml

 import QtQuick 2.6 import QtQuick.Controls 1.5 ApplicationWindow { id: rootWindow objectName: "window" visible: true property var mainScreen: MainScreen { } Component.onCompleted: { mainScreen.doVideo() } } 

MainScreen.qml MainScreen.qml

 import QtQuick 2.6 Item { id: mainScreenView objectName: "MainScreenView" function doVideo() { console.log("Called") } } 

I guess you just want something like this: 我猜你只想要这样的东西:

ApplicationWindow {
    // if you really need a property of your Item uncomment the following line:
    // property alias mainScreen : mainScreen

    MainScreen {
        id: mainScreen
    function videoDone() {

and in the MainScreen.qml: 并在MainScreen.qml中:

import QtQuick 2.0
Item {
    function doSomething()

You should assign id to your component. 您应该为组件分配ID。

ApplicationWindow { ApplicationWindow {

id: rootWindow
objectName: "window"

property Component mainScreen: MainScreen {
    id: myMainScreenCmp
 } // my component

function videoDone() {

} }

You have to import your component and your component name and filename must be the same. 您必须导入组件,并且组件名称和文件名必须相同。

MainScreen.qml MainScreen.qml

MainScreen {
    id: mainScreenView
    objectName: "MainScreenView"

    function doVideo() {

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