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[英]StreamWriter to project directory and sub directory?

I'm currently having an issue with my application and I'm starting to think it's just my logic. 我目前的应用程序存在问题,我开始认为这只是我的逻辑。 I can't figure it out even after browsing these forms and MSDN. 在浏览这些表格和MSDN之后,我无法弄明白。

I'm trying to use StreamWriter to create a text document in my app directory and create sub folder containing that document. 我正在尝试使用StreamWriter在我的app目录中创建一个文本文档,并创建包含该文档的子文件夹。 Currently it just keeps dumping the file in my apps exe directory. 目前它只是将文件转储到我的apps exe目录中。

        string runTimeDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);

        string recipeDirectory = Path.Combine(runTimeDirectory, "Recipes");
        if (!Directory.Exists(recipeDirectory))
            //Recipes directory doesnt exist so create it

        // Write text to file
        using (StreamWriter OutputFile = new StreamWriter(recipeDirectory + RecipeName + @".txt"))

Try this: 尝试这个:

using (StreamWriter OutputFile = new StreamWriter(
    Path.Combine(recipeDirectory,  RecipeName + @".txt")))

The reason I think is that your recipeDirectory and RecipeName + @".txt" aren't separated by the backslash, so the file is written to the parent directory instead and named recipeDirectory + RecipeName + @".txt" . 我认为你的recipeDirectoryRecipeName + @".txt"没有用反斜杠分隔,所以该文件被写入父目录,并命名为recipeDirectory + RecipeName + @".txt"

As an aside, I would also recommend you pass your RecipeName through a sanitizer function like this in case any name contains characters that can't be used in a file name: RecipeName一句,我还建议您通过这样的清理程序函数传递RecipeName ,以防任何名称包含无法在文件名中使用的字符:

internal static string GetSafeFileName(string fromString)
    var invalidChars = Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars();
    const char ReplacementChar = '_';

    return new string(fromString.Select((inputChar) => 
        invalidChars.Any((invalidChar) => 
        (inputChar == invalidChar)) ? ReplacementChar : inputChar).ToArray());

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