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[英]WordPress rewrite old URL to new one

I have WordPress installed and I have some old URls indexed, for example: 我安装了WordPress,并为一些旧的URls建立了索引,例如:


They were working before, but now I changed my URl structure so if I type in Web browser: 他们以前工作过,但是现在我更改了URl结构,因此,如果我输入Web浏览器:


The new one is working but if I visit my old URL with .html, it gives me error 404. 新的可以使用,但是如果我使用.html访问旧的URL,则会出现错误404。

Is there a way for rewrite those old to new one? 有没有办法将那些旧的重写为新的?

Maybe 301 SEO redirect? 也许301 SEO重定向?

Thanks! 谢谢!


Redirect 301 /article-title.html http://www.example.com/article-title/

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