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在 R Markdown 文件中包含 HTML 文件?

[英]Include HTML files in R Markdown file?

Quick Summary快速总结

How do I place HTML files in place within an R Markdown file?如何在 R Markdown 文件放置 HTML 文件?


I have created some nice animated choropleth maps via choroplethr .我通过choroplethr创建了一些不错的动画 choropleth 地图。

As the link demonstrates, the animated choropleths function via creating a set of PNG images, which are then rolled into an HTML file that cycles through the images, to show the animation.如链接所示,动画 choropleths 通过创建一组 PNG 图像来发挥作用,然后将这些图像滚动到一个 HTML 文件中,循环浏览图像,以显示动画。 Works great, looks great.效果很好,看起来很棒。

But now I want to embed / incorporate these pages within the .Rmd file, so that I have a holistic report including these animated choropleths, along with other work.但是现在我想将这些页面嵌入/合并到 .Rmd 文件中,这样我就有了一个包括这些动画等值线以及其他工作的整体报告。

It seems to me there should be an easy way to do an equivalent to在我看来,应该有一种简单的方法来做一个等价于


[please click here](http://this.is.where.you.will.go.html)



![cute cat image](http://because.that.is.what.we.need...another.cat.image.html)

The images path is precisely what I want: a reference that is "blown up" to put the information in place, instead of just as a link.图像路径正是我想要的:一个被“放大”以将信息放置到位的参考,而不仅仅是一个链接。 How can I do this with a full HTML file instead of just an image?如何使用完整的 HTML 文件而不是图像来做到这一点? Is there any way?有什么办法吗?

Explanation via Example举例说明

Let's say my choropleth HTML file lives in my local path at './animations/demographics.html' , and I have an R Markdown file like:假设我的 choropleth HTML 文件位于'./animations/demographics.html'本地路径中,并且我有一个 R Markdown 文件,例如:

title: 'Looking at the demographics issue'
author: "Mike"
date: "April 9th, 2016"
    number_sections: no
    toc: yes
    toc_depth: 2
fontsize: 12pt

# Introduction

Here is some interesting stuff that I want to talk about.  But first, let's review those earlier demographic maps we'd seen.

!![demographics map]('./animations/demographics.html')

where I have assumed / pretended that !!我假设/假装的地方!! is the antecedent that will do precisely what I want: allow me to embed that HTML file in-line with the rest of the report.是我想要做的事情的前提:允许我将该 HTML 文件嵌入到报告的其余部分中。


Two updates.两次更新。 Most recently, I still could not get things to work, so I pushed it all up to a GitHub repository , in case anyone is willing to help me sort out the problem.最近,我仍然无法让事情正常工作,所以我将其全部推送到GitHub 存储库,以防有人愿意帮助我解决问题。 Further details can be found at that repo's Readme file.可以在该 repo 的自述文件中找到更多详细信息。

It seems that being able to embed HTML into an R Markdown file would be incredibly useful, so I keep trying to sort it out.似乎能够将 HTML 嵌入到 R Markdown 文件中会非常有用,所以我一直在尝试对其进行整理。

(Older comments) (旧评论)

As per some of the helpful suggestions, I tried and failed the following in the R Markdown file:根据一些有用的建议,我在 R Markdown 文件中尝试并失败了以下内容:

Shiny method:闪亮方法:

```{r showChoro1}

(I also added runtime:Shiny up in the YAML portion.) (我还在 YAML 部分添加了runtime:Shiny up。)

htmltools method: htmltools方法:

```{r showChoro1}

(In this case, I made no changes to the YAML.) (在这种情况下,我没有对 YAML 进行任何更改。)

In the former case ( Shiny ), it did not work at all.在前一种情况下( Shiny ),它根本不起作用。 In fact, including the HTML seemed to muck up the functionality of the document altogether, such that the runtime seemed perpetually not-fully-functional.事实上,包含 HTML 似乎完全破坏了文档的功能,因此运行时似乎永远不能完全发挥作用。 (In short, while it appeared to load everything, the "loading" spindel never went away.) (简而言之,虽然它似乎加载了所有内容,但“加载”纺锤从未消失。)

In the latter case, nothing else got messed up, but it was a broken image.在后一种情况下,没有其他事情搞砸了,但这是一个破碎的形象。 Strangely, there was a "choropleth player" ribbon at the top of the document which would work, it's just that none of the images would pop up.奇怪的是,文档顶部有一个“choropleth player”功能区,它可以工作,只是没有任何图像会弹出。

For my own sanity, I also provided simple links, which worked fine.为了我自己的理智,我还提供了简单的链接,效果很好。

[This link](./animations/demographics.html) worked without a problem, except that it is not embedded, as I would prefer.

So it is clearly a challenge with the embedding.因此,嵌入显然是一个挑战。

Here is a hack (probably inelegant)...idea is to directly insert HTML programmatically in Rmd and then render Rmd.这是一个hack(可能不优雅)......想法是直接以编程方式将HTML插入Rmd,然后渲染Rmd。

temp.Rmd file: temp.Rmd 文件:

title: "Introduction"
author: "chinsoon12"
date: "April 10, 2016"
output: html_document


etc, etc, etc

```{r, echo=FALSE}

etc, etc, etc

test.html file: test.html 文件:




        <p>This is an R HTML document. When you click the <b>Knit HTML</b> button a web page will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within the document. You can embed an R code chunk like this:</p>

        <p>test test</p>


verbose code to replace Rmd code with HTML code and then render (can probably be shortened by a lot)用 HTML 代码替换 Rmd 代码然后渲染的详细代码(可能会缩短很多)

subHtmlRender <- function(mdfile, htmlfile) {
    #replace <<insertHTML:htmlfile with actual html code
    #but without beginning white space
    lines <- readLines(mdfile)
    toSubcode <- paste0("<<insertHTML:[",htmlfile,"]")
    location <- which(stri_detect_fixed(lines, toSubcode) )
    htmllines <- stri_trim(readLines(htmlfile))

    #render html doc
    newRmdfile <- tempfile("temp", getwd(), ".Rmd")
    newlines <- c(lines[1:(location-1)],
                  lines[min(location+1, length(lines)):length(lines)])  #be careful when insertHTML being last line in .Rmd file
    write(newlines, newRmdfile)
    rmarkdown::render(newRmdfile, "html_document")
} #end subHtmlRender

subHtmlRender("temp.Rmd", "test.html")

EDIT: htmltools::includeHTML also works with the sample files that I provided.编辑: htmltools::includeHTML 也适用于我提供的示例文件。 Is it because your particular html does not like UTF8-encoding?是因为您的特定 html 不喜欢 UTF8 编码吗?

EDIT: taking @MikeWilliamson comments into feedback编辑:将@MikeWilliamson 评论纳入反馈

I tried the following我尝试了以下

  1. copied and pasted animated_choropleth.html into a blank .Rmdanimated_choropleth.html复制并粘贴到空白 .Rmd
  2. remove references to cloudfare.com as I had access issues while rendering (see below)删除对 cloudfare.com 的引用,因为我在渲染时遇到了访问问题(见下文)
  3. knit HTML编织 HTML
  4. put back those cloudfare weblinks放回那些 cloudfare 网络链接
  5. put the graphs in the same folder as the rendered html将图形放在与呈现的 html 相同的文件夹中
  6. open the HTML打开 HTML

I appear to get back the html but am not sure if the result is what you expect我似乎取回了 html,但不确定结果是否符合您的预期

Are you also facing the same issue in pt 2?您是否在 pt 2 中也面临同样的问题? You might want to post the error message and ask for fixes :).您可能想发布错误消息并要求修复:)。 This was my error message这是我的错误信息

pandoc.exe: Failed to retrieve http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/twitter-bootstrap/3.1.1/css/bootstrap.min.css
FailedConnectionException2 "cdnjs.cloudflare.com" 80 False getAddrInfo: does not exist (error 11001)
Error: pandoc document conversion failed with error 61

Did you try the includes: option in your YAML header?您是否尝试过 YAML 标头中的include:选项?

https://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/html_document_format.html#includes https://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/html_document_format.html#includes

But maybe you'll have the same problem I have: I'd like to include the HTML file in a specific section in my RMarkdown document, not in the header or before/after body.但也许您会遇到与我相同的问题:我想将 HTML 文件包含在我的 RMarkdown 文档的特定部分中,而不是在标题或正文之前/之后。

can try put this line in the Rmarkdown and then knit.可以试试把这条线放到Rmarkdown里再编织。 (YAML header "output: html_document"; if "runtime: shiny" somehow it does not work) (YAML 标头“输出:html_document”;如果“运行时:闪亮”以某种方式不起作用)

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