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[英]C# Update a List from Another List

I have 2 List<object> . 我有2个List<object> The first one, lets call it ListA is more like a complete list and the second one ListB is a modified list. 第一个,让我们称之为ListA更像是一个完整的列表,第二个ListB是一个修改过的列表。 Now what I want to do is to modify ListA with ListB. 现在我想做的是用ListB修改ListA。 Is this doable and how can I do it. 这是可行的,我该怎么做。 This is what I have so far but doesn't work: 这是我到目前为止但不起作用:

var ListB = _repository.Get(m => m.Approved == true).ToList();
foreach (var x in ListB)
  ListA.Where(d => d.Name == x.Name).First() = x;

return ListA;

EDIT: Visual Presentation to describe what 'modify' means in my situation 编辑:视觉演示,描述“修改”在我的情况下意味着什么

Id     Name      Age
1     John       14
2     Mark       15
3     Luke       13
4     Matthew    18

Id     Name      Age
2     Mark       0
4     Matthew    99

After 'modifying' it, ListA should look like: “修改”后,ListA应如下所示:

Id     Name      Age
1     John       14
2     Mark       0
3     Luke       13
4     Matthew    99

As I consider, you want to update only an age. 我认为,您只想更新一个年龄。 Also you don't need to use Where().First() you can use just First() . 此外,您不需要使用Where().First()您可以只使用First()

foreach (var x in ListB)
    var itemToChange = ListA.First(d => d.Name == x.Name).Age = x.Age;

If you are not sure, that item exists in ListA you should use FirstOrDefault() and if statement to check it. 如果您不确定, ListA存在ListA您应该使用FirstOrDefault()和if语句来检查它。

foreach (var x in ListB)
    var itemToChange = ListA.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Name == x.Name);
    if (itemToChange != null)
         itemToChange.Age = x.Age;

Where and First return IEnumerable - you can modify only node of the list, but not reassign. Where和First返回IEnumerable - 您只能修改列表的节点,但不能重新分配。

option 0 - generic approach 选项0 - 通用方法

using System.Collections.Generic;


   var itemToUpdate = ListA.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Name == x.Name);
   if (itemToUpdate != null) {
       ListA[ListA.IndexOf(itemToUpdate)] = x;

option 1 - implement the update method or perform field update manually 选项1 - 实施更新方法或手动执行字段更新

ListA.First(d => d.Name == x.Name).Update(x);

to elaborate aershov's answer: 详细说明aershov的答案:

ListA.Where(d => d.Name == x.Name).First().CopyFrom(x);

then in your Person class: 然后在你的Person类中:

public class Person
   // ... Name, Id, Age properties...

   public void CopyFrom(Person p)
      this.Name = p.Name;
      this.Id = p.Id;
      this.Age = p.Age;

of course check nulls and everything. 当然检查空值和一切。

You could remove all elements of ListB from ListA based on Id , add ListB to ListA and then sort using Id . 您可以根据IdListA删除ListB所有元素,将ListB添加到ListA ,然后使用Id进行排序。

var newlist = ListA.Where(s => !ListB.Any(p => p.Id == s.Id)).ToList();
ListA = newlist.OrderBy(o => o.Id).ToList();

You could also use the Union method with an IEqualityComparer: 您还可以将Union方法与IEqualityComparer一起使用:

var newList = ListB.Union(ListA, new PersonEqualityComparer());

class PersonEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<Person>
    public bool Equals(Person person1, Person person2)
        if (person1 == null && person2 == null)
            return true;
        else if ((person1 != null && person2 == null) ||
                (person1 == null && person2 != null))
            return false;

        return person1.Id.Equals(person2.Id);

    public int GetHashCode(Person item)
        return item.Id.GetHashCode();

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