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[英]Relate Rails function/method to html.erb

I'm a newby in Rails, and trying to use methods in html.erb instead of writing the same query several times. 我是Rails的newby,并且尝试使用html.erb中的方法,而不是多次编写相同的查询。 I've started with "Hello, World"; 我从“你好,世界”开始; but, I couldn't even manage to do this. 但是,我什至无法做到这一点。 What I do; 我所做的;

   def Say() 
  "Hello World" 

in app/models/sample.rb (sample is the name of the page by the way) and 在app / models / sample.rb中(顺便说一句,sample是页面的名称),

 <% Say   %>

in views/samples/index.html.erb. 在views / samples / index.html.erb中。 The problem is, obviously, I cannot see anything like "Hello World" on the page. 问题显然是,我在页面上看不到“ Hello World”之类的东西。 What should I do? 我该怎么办?

There are a number of things here: 这里有很多事情:

  • Don't use brackets is method name. 方法名称不要使用方括号。
  • Model is only for managing database or accessing some data that needs database processing 模型仅用于管理数据库或访问一些需要数据库处理的数据
  • Adding a @say = 'Hello World' in a controller method def index and then calling in view <%= @say %> will also do the trick, but don't get used to this approach as it commonly leads to bad habits like overuse of controller instead of models and helpers 在控制器方法的def index添加@say = 'Hello World' ,然后在视图<%= @say %>调用也可以解决问题,但不要习惯这种方法,因为它通常会导致不良习惯,例如过度使用控制器而不是模型和助手
  • For this thing you can use either model or helper (as I guess "say hello" is just a test) 为此,您可以使用模型或助手(因为我想“打招呼”仅是测试)

Maybe the best is to start tutorials from scratch and see how it is handled in rails. 也许最好的方法是从头开始教程,并了解如何在Rails中处理它。 There are a lots of resources in rails on website: http://railscasts.com . 网站上的rails中有很多资源: http : //railscasts.com

Even the site hasn't been updated for quite some time, I think the best resource is to start from there, especially for newbies. 即使该网站已经有一段时间没有更新了,我认为最好的资源还是从那里开始,特别是对于新手。

There is helpers directory. 有助手目录。 You can create your own modules there or use default one: ApplicationHelper, which should exists in this dir. 您可以在此处创建自己的模块,也可以使用默认模块:ApplicationHelper,该模块应存在于此目录中。 Let's create your own module. 让我们创建自己的模块。

The following makes the Say helper method available to the view: 下面使说说帮助方法可用于视图:

 module MyCustomHelper
  def say 
   "Hello World" 

In a view: 在视图中:

<%= say %>

Add helper module in your controller like(Rails 3): 在控制器中添加辅助模块,如(Rails 3):

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  helper :my_custom

or 要么

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
 helper_method :my_custom

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