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[英]python-firebase get items when added

So I am working with python-firebase at the moment, and I have been working with JavaScript and Firebase before. 因此,目前我正在使用python-firebase ,并且之前一直在使用JavaScript和Firebase。 In JS there was the ref.on('child_added') , but I am looking to do the same with python-firebase (I have to check firebase each time a node is added, so I assume I would need something like this). 在JS中有ref.on('child_added') ,但是我希望对python-firebase ref.on('child_added')做同样的事情(每次添加节点时我都必须检查firebase,所以我认为我需要这样的东西)。

So how exactly can I do this? 那么我该怎么做呢?

Using Firebase's REST API (which is what their python API is under the hood), you save the elements using a POST request, which returns the ids of the added elements, so persist that somewhere. 使用Firebase的REST API (这是他们的python API所使用的),您可以使用POST请求保存元素,该请求返回添加的元素的ID,因此将其保留在某个地方。 Retrieve your elements and iterate through them for the relevant id: 检索您的元素并遍历它们以获取相关的ID:

# assume your instance is called phones and your username is jack, change as appropriate
def get_object(newest_id):
    objects = requests.get('https://samplechat.firebaseio-demo.com/users/jack/phones.json').json()
    added_object = [obj for obj in objects if obj == newest_id][0]
    return added_object

def add_object(dictionary_representing_object):
    newest_id = requests.post('https://samplechat.firebaseio-demo.com/users/jack/phones.json', json=json.dumps(dictionary_representing_object), verify=False).json()['name']
    stored_object = get_object(newest_id) # stored_object will be a superset of what's in dictionary_representing_object -- it will have an additional entry representing firebase's unique id

Hope that helps. 希望能有所帮助。

@hd1's answer works and uses the python-firebase library you already use. @ hd1的答案有效,并使用您已经使用的python-firebase库。 But as you say, it will indeed have to poll for updates. 但是正如您所说,它确实必须轮询更新。

An alternative would be to listen for Firebase's REST streaming API . 一种替代方法是侦听Firebase的REST流API There is a Python example of how to consume the REST events (using the Python request and sseclient libraries). 有一个有关如何使用REST事件Python示例 (使用Python请求和sseclient库)。 The read loop is here : 读取循环在这里

        self.sse = ClosableSSEClient(URL)
        for msg in self.sse:
            msg_data = json.loads(msg.data)
            if msg_data is None:    # keep-alives
            path = msg_data['path']
            data = msg_data['data']
            if path == '/':
                # initial update
                if data:
                    keys = data.keys()
                    for k in keys:
                # must be a push ID

While it is not as simple as the native JavaScript client that you've used before, it's as close as you can get to that functionality in Python. 尽管它不像以前使用的本机JavaScript客户端那么简单,但它与Python中的该功能非常接近。

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