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Visual Studio Web测试cookie管理

[英]Visual Studio Web test cookie management

I have read in other posts that Visual Studio Web Test automatically handles cookies. 我在其他帖子中读到Visual Studio Web Test会自动处理cookie。 I am using Fiddler to examine traffic when I use me AUT (application under test) in order to try and replicate calls in Web Test. 当我使用AUT(测试中的应用程序)以尝试在Web测试中复制调用时,我正在使用Fiddler来检查流量。 I see cookies in the requests in Fiddler that I am not seeing in Web Test. 我在Fiddler的请求中看到了我在Web测试中没有看到的cookie。 Do I have to extract them and add them to subsequent requests? 我是否必须提取它们并将其添加到后续请求中? Is there some kind of automagical please handle cookies for me setting somewhere? 是否有某种自动化请为我设置饼干? Thanks for helping the noon. 谢谢你帮助中午。 I cannot find anything on google. 我在谷歌上找不到任何东西。

No. There should be no need for you to handle the cookies yourself. 不,您不需要自己处理cookie。

For me, Visual Studio has always handled the cookies without my doing anything special with, or for, cookies. 对我来说,Visual Studio始终处理cookie而不对cookie做任何特殊处理。 I have not found any switches to enable or disable cookie handling. 我没有找到任何启​​用或禁用cookie处理的开关。

There are some cookie related fields in the request and response. 请求和响应中有一些与cookie相关的字段。 They can be read and, for requests, modified for a website that does some non-standard cookie mixtures. 对于执行某些非标准cookie混合的网站,可以读取它们,并针对请求进行修改。


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