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[英]PNG fuzzy when added to PDF with ReportLab

I'm trying to create PDF's in Python using ReportLab. 我正在尝试使用ReportLab在Python中创建PDF。 I need to resize the PNG image to correctly fit on the page. 我需要调整PNG图像的大小以正确适合页面。 When I resize the image they look fine when viewed in Microsoft Photos or dragged and dropped onto a word document, but when they are put in the PDF they are very fuzzy. 当我调整图像大小时,在Microsoft照片中查看或拖放到word文档时它们看起来很好,但是当它们放入PDF时它们非常模糊。

This is the scaled image which appears crisp. 这是缩放的图像 ,看起来很清晰。

This is a screen grab of the pdf which appears fuzzy. 这是一个看似模糊的PDF格式的屏幕抓取

This is the code I'm using so far 这是我到目前为止使用的代码

def resizeImage():
    basewidth = 500
    img = PIL.Image.open('test.png')
    wpercent = (basewidth/float(img.size[0]))
    hsize = int((float(img.size[1])*float(wpercent)))
    img = img.resize((basewidth,hsize), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)

def generatePDF():
    c = canvas.Canvas('template.pdf', pagesize=portrait(letter))
    #Header text
    c.setFont('Helvetica', 48, leading=None)
    c.drawCentredString(200, 300, "This is a pdf" )
    test = 'sompic.png'
    c.drawImage(test, 50,350, width=None, height=None)


If anyone has any suggestions on how to get a crisp image it would be greatly appreciated! 如果有人对如何获得清晰的图像有任何建议,将不胜感激!

The resize code came from here: How do I resize an image using PIL and maintain its aspect ratio? 调整大小代码来自此处: 如何使用PIL调整图像大小并保持其宽高比?


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