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有没有办法在泛型中获取泛型类型的名称( <T> )function / class(Typescript)?

[英]Is there a way to get the name of the generic type in a generic (<T>) function/class (Typescript)?

Here is the definition of my function: 这是我的函数的定义:

getData<T extends Entity> () { }

I don't currently accept any arguments. 我目前不接受任何论点。 Is there a way for me to translate the T into the string name of the type at runtime? 有没有办法让我在运行时将T转换为该类型的字符串名称? Perhaps using typeof? 也许使用typeof?

I am from the C# world where you would use reflection. 我来自C#世界,你会使用反射。 However I am new to Javascript and not sure what the equivalent would be. 但是,我是Javascript的新手,不知道等效的是什么。

Thanks. 谢谢。

Types are erased during compilation, so no. 类型在编译期间被删除,所以没有。 You should never ever have a generic function that doesn't use its type parameter in an argument position. 应该曾经有不中的参数位置使用其类型参数的通用函数。

Assuming getData works on classes, you could write something like: 假设getData适用于类,您可以编写如下内容:

class NotSureThisIsReallyAGoodIdea {
    static getData<T>(cls: new(...args: any[]) => T): T {
        /* magic happens */
        const url = 'http://example.com/' + cls['name'];
        return <T>undefined;

class SomeShape {
    x: number;

let s = NotSureThisIsReallyAGoodIdea.getData(SomeShape);
s.x; // OK

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