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[英]Get the mouse-clicked position relative to control within OnClick event

I have this bulletedlist: 我有这个项目符号清单:

<asp:BulletedList ID="BLLinks" runat="server" Width="100%" 
BulletStyle="CustomImage" BulletImageUrl="~/Images/link.png" 
OnClick="BLLinks_Click" ></asp:BulletedList>

I need to get the position relative to the bulletedlist item where the user clicked in this event: 我需要获得相对于用户在此事件中单击的项目符号列表项的位置:

protected void BLLinks_Click(object sender, BulletedListEventArgs e)
   // check the clicked position in the bulleted list
   // if on the bulleted list image do so and so...
   // if on the bulleted list item text do so and so....


You can get the mouse position with client code and store it in a hidden field. 您可以使用客户端代码获取鼠标位置,并将其存储在隐藏字段中。

Here is the markup: 这是标记:

<asp:HiddenField ID="hiddenMouseXY" runat="server" />
<asp:BulletedList onmousedown="bulletedListMouseDown(this, event);" ... >

And the Javascript function: 和Javascript函数:

function bulletedListMouseDown(lst, evt) {
    var x = evt.pageX - lst.offsetLeft;
    var y = evt.pageY - lst.offsetTop; 
    var coord = "X: " + x + ", Y: " + y;
    document.getElementById('hiddenMouseXY').value = coord;

If you want the click to trigger a postback, you can call __doPostBack in the Javascript function. 如果希望单击触发回发,则可以在Javascript函数中调用__doPostBack

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