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[英]Updating a config file in c#

I am creating an update to my companies system that will be running on several clients and I have two config files, the old config file and the newer version. 我正在为公司系统创建一个更新,该更新将在多个客户端上运行,并且我有两个配置文件,即旧的配置文件和较新的版本。 Is there any way that I can compare the both files and check the differences to add to the older file what I have new in the first one? 有什么方法可以比较两个文件并检查差异以将旧文件中的新文件添加到旧文件中? Keep in mind that the files may have different info and the only thing that I need to add/change is the keys. 请记住,文件可能具有不同的信息,我唯一需要添加/更改的是密钥。 For example, if a key is different change the older to that new "version", if a key doesn't exist in the older files add it. 例如,如果密钥不同,则将旧版本更改为新的“版本”,如果旧文件中不存在密钥,则添加它。

they keys will have the exact same name but may have different values. 它们的键将具有完全相同的名称,但可能具有不同的值。 Plus there could be a new key that doesnt exist in the older file and I need to add it 另外,可能有一个新密钥在旧文件中不存在,我需要添加它

I will leave an example of the files for you to see, 我将留下一个文件示例供您查看,

Any help would be appreciated. 任何帮助,将不胜感激。

    <add key="ORCASRV1"            value="ORCA30|tcp://" />
    <add key="ORCASRV2"            value="REORCA30|tcp://" />
    <add key="ServidorEmail"       value="xxx" />
    <add key="SqlTrans"            value="1" />
    <add key="RemoteType"          value="0" />
    <add key="LocalPort"           value="9002" />
    <add key="LocalMsgStore"       value="1" />
    <add key="sqlCHAR_TO_DATA"     value="CONVERT(datetime, '#MM#/#DD#/#YYYY#')" />
    <add key="sqlDATA_TO_CHAR"     value="CONVERT(char(30), #CAMPO#)" />
    <add key="sqlDATAPARTE"        value="LTRIM(STR(DATEPART(#PARTE, #CAMPO#)))" />
    <add key="sqlNUM_TO_CHAR"      value="LTRIM(STR(#VALOR#))" />
    <add key="sqlSYSDATE"          value=" GetDate() " />
    <add key="sqlALIAS"            value=" As " />
    <add key="sqlCONCATENAR"       value="+" />    <add key="sqlNULL"             value="IsNull(#CAMPO#,#VALOR#)" />
    <add key="sqlROUND"            value="ROUND(#CAMPO#,#PARTE#)" />
    <add key="sqlLPAD"             value="RIGTH(REPLICATE('#CHAR#',#VEZES#)+#CAMPO#,#VEZES#)" />
    <add key="oraCHAR_TO_DATA"     value="TO_DATE('#MM#/#DD#/#YYYY#','MM/DD/YYYY')" />
    <add key="oraDATA_TO_CHAR"     value="TO_CHAR(#CAMPO#, 'DD/MM/YYYY')" />
    <add key="oraDATAPARTE"        value="TO_CHAR(#PARTE#, #CAMPO#)" />
    <add key="oraNUM_TO_CHAR"      value="TO_CHAR(#VALOR#)" />
    <add key="oraSYSDATE"          value=" SYSDATE " />
    <add key="oraALIAS"            value=" " />
    <add key="oraCONCATENAR"       value="||" />
    <add key="oraNULL"             value="NVL(#CAMPO#,#VALOR#)" />
    <add key="oraROUND"            value="ROUND(#CAMPO#,#PARTE#)" />
    <add key="oraLPAD"             value="LPAD(#CAMPO#,#VEZES#,#CHAR#)" />
    <add key="EmailCDP"            value="antonio.santos@cdp-si.pt" />
    <add key="EmailCliente"        value="xxx" />
    <add key="RPT_PATH1"           value="C:\PROD\ORCAREPORT\" />
    <add key="StartPage_Height"    value="90" />
    <add key="StartPage_Margem"    value="220" />
    <add key="StartPage_Espaco"    value="5" />
    <add key="StartPage_Intervalo" value="2" />
    <add key="StartPage_Mais"      value="35" />
    <add key="HelpExec"            value="WINHLP32.EXE" />
    <add key="HelpFile"            value="ORCA.HLP" />
    <add key="LogLevel"            value="0" />
    <add key="LogSqlClient"        value="0" />
    <add key="LogFile"             value="C:\cdpsi\logs" />
        <channel ref="tcp" port="9002">
            <formatter ref="binary" />            <provider type="CdpCompress.CompressionClientSinkProvider, CdpCompress" />

Code went like this and it works like a charm: 代码是这样的,它就像一个魅力:

public void UpdateService(string FilePathOld, string FilePathNew, string LatestVersion)
        Dictionary<string, string> Old = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        Dictionary<string, string> New = new Dictionary<string, string>();

        if (ExisteFicheiro(FilePathNew) == true && ExisteFicheiro(FilePathOld) == true)
            ExeConfigurationFileMap configOld = new ExeConfigurationFileMap();
            configOld.ExeConfigFilename = FilePathOld;
            Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenMappedExeConfiguration(configOld, ConfigurationUserLevel.None);

            ExeConfigurationFileMap configNew = new ExeConfigurationFileMap();
            configNew.ExeConfigFilename = FilePathNew;
            Configuration config2 = ConfigurationManager.OpenMappedExeConfiguration(configNew, ConfigurationUserLevel.None);

            KeyValueConfigurationCollection settings = config.AppSettings.Settings;
            Old = settings.AllKeys.ToDictionary(key => key, key => settings[key].Value);
            KeyValueConfigurationCollection settings2 = config2.AppSettings.Settings;
            New = settings2.AllKeys.ToDictionary(key => key, key => settings2[key].Value);

            foreach (var NewKey in New)
                string value;
                if (Old.TryGetValue(NewKey.Key, out value))
                    if (value != NewKey.Value)
                        //if (ExistsKey(NewKey.Key, false) == true)
                        Old[NewKey.Key] = NewKey.Value;

                    Old.Add(NewKey.Key, NewKey.Value);

            foreach (var NewKey in Old)
                string key = NewKey.Key;
                string value = NewKey.Value;
                if (config.AppSettings.Settings[key] != null)
                    config.AppSettings.Settings[key].Value = value;
                    if (key == "Version")
                        config.AppSettings.Settings[key].Value = LatestVersion;
                    config.AppSettings.Settings.Add(key, value);

                if (config.AppSettings.Settings["Version"] == null)
                    config.AppSettings.Settings.Add("Version", LatestVersion);

            Erro NovoErro = new Erro();
            Global.Erro = "O ficheiro \"OrcaService.exe.config\" ou o ficheiro \"Orca.exe.config\" não existem nos caminhos especificados!";


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