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Azure通知中心“ WNS通道已断开”错误

[英]Azure notifications hub “WNS Channel Disconnected” errors

Azure notifications hub shows that from 13k WNS toast notification broadcast only 5k messages succeeded and 8k got "WNS Channel Disconnected" errors. Azure通知中心显示,从13k WNS土司通知广播中,仅成功广播了5k消息,而8k出现“ WNS通道已断开”错误。 What can cause such large amount of errors? 什么会导致如此大量的错误? What can I check, and why this happens? 我可以检查什么,为什么会这样?

It can be because of channel is no longer valid and should be refreshed. 可能是因为通道不再有效,应该刷新。 Push notifications are tough to debug. 推送通知很难调试。 Could you please say what is the time period of that "13k push"? 您能否说“ 13k push”的时间段是什么?

Also check the WNS overview - it has the "Important notes" section https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/controls-and-patterns/tiles-and-notifications-windows-push-notification-services--wns--overview 还要检查WNS概​​述-它具有“重要说明”部分https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/controls-and-patterns/tiles-and-notifications-windows-push-notification-服务- WNS -概述

There is a useful page as well about debugging Notification Hubs: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn530751.aspx 关于调试通知中心,还有一个有用的页面: https : //msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/azure/dn530751.aspx

So i would go with the checking if channel is even valid. 所以我会检查通道是否有效。

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