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redux-thunk 和 redux-promise 有什么区别?

[英]What is the difference between redux-thunk and redux-promise?

As far as I know and correct me if I am wrong, redux-thunk is a middleware which helps us dispatch async function and debug values in the action itself while when I used redux-promise I couldn't create async functions without implementing my own mechanism as Action throws an exception of dispatching only plain objects.据我所知,如果我错了,请纠正我, redux-thunk是一个中间件,它可以帮助我们在操作本身中调度异步函数和调试值,而当我使用redux-promise时,我无法在不实现自己的情况下创建异步函数作为 Action 的机制会引发仅调度普通对象的异常。

What is the major differences between these two packages?这两个包之间的主要区别是什么? Are there any benefits of using both the packages in a single page react app or sticking to redux-thunk would be enough?在单个页面反应应用程序中使用这两个包或坚持使用 redux-thunk 有什么好处吗?

redux-thunk allows your action creators to return a function : redux-thunk允许你的动作创建者返回一个函数:

function myAction(payload){
    return function(dispatch){
        // use dispatch as you please

redux-promise allows them to return a promise : redux-promise允许他们返回一个 promise :

function myAction(payload){
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
        resolve(someData); // redux-promise will dispatch someData

Both libraries are useful if you need to dispatch action async or conditionally.如果您需要异步或有条件地调度操作,这两个库都很有用。 redux-thunk also allows you to dispatch several times within one action creator. redux-thunk还允许您在一个动作创建者中分派多次。 Whether you choose one, the other or both entirely depends on your needs/style.无论您选择一个,另一个或两者都完全取决于您的需求/风格。

You'll likely want/need both together in your app.您可能希望/需要在您的应用程序中同时使用两者。 Start with redux-promise for routine promise-producing async tasks and then scale up to add Thunks (or Sagas, etc.) as complexity increases :从 redux-promise 开始,用于生成 promise 的常规异步任务,然后随着复杂性的增加扩大规模以添加 Thunks(或 Sagas 等)

  • When life is simple, and you're just doing basic async work with creators that return a single promise, then redux-promise will improve your life and simplify that, quick and easy.当生活很简单,而你只是与返回一个承诺的创建者做基本的异步工作,那么redux-promise将改善你的生活并简化它,快速而简单。 (In a nutshell, instead of you needing to think about 'unwrapping' your promises when they resolve, then writing/dispatching the results, redux-promise(-middleware) takes care of all that boring stuff for you.) (简而言之,当它们解决时,您不需要考虑“解包”您的承诺,然后编写/发送结果,redux-promise(-middleware) 会为您处理所有无聊的事情。)
  • But, life gets more complex when:但是,在以下情况下,生活会变得更加复杂:
  • Maybe your action creator wants to produce several promises, which you want to dispatch as separate actions to separate reducers?也许您的动作创建者想要产生几个承诺,您希望将它们作为单独的动作分派给单独的减速器?
  • Or, you have some complex pre-processing and conditional logic to manage, before deciding how and where to dispatch the results?或者,在决定如何以及在何处分派结果之前,您需要管理一些复杂的预处理和条件逻辑?

In those cases, the benefit of redux-thunk is that it allows you to encapsulate complexity inside your action-creator .在这些情况下, redux-thunk的好处是它允许您将复杂性封装在您的 action-creator中。

But note that if your Thunk produces and dispatches promises, then you'll want to use both libraries together :但请注意,如果您的 Thunk 生成并发送 Promise,那么您需要同时使用这两个库

  • the Thunk would compose the original action(s) and dispatch them Thunk 将组成原始动作并调度它们
  • redux-promise would then handle unwrapping at the reducer(s) the individual promise(s) generated by your Thunk, to avoid the boilerplate that entails.然后redux-promise将在 reducer 处处理由 Thunk 生成的单个 promise 的展开,以避免需要的样板文件。 (You could instead do everything in Thunks, with promise.then(unwrapAndDispatchResult).catch(unwrapAndDispatchError) ... but why would you?) (你可以在 Thunks 中做所有事情,用promise.then(unwrapAndDispatchResult).catch(unwrapAndDispatchError) ...但你为什么要这样做?)

Another simple way to sum up the difference in use-cases: the beginning vs. the end of the Redux action cycle :总结用例差异的另一种简单方法: Redux 操作周期的开始与结束

  • Thunks are for the beginning of your Redux flow: if you need to create a complex action, or encapsulate some gnarly action-creation logic, keeping it out of your components, and definitely out of reducers. Thunks 用于 Redux 流程的开始:如果您需要创建一个复杂的操作,或者封装一些复杂的操作创建逻辑,请将其排除在您的组件之外,并且绝对排除在 reducer 之外。
  • redux-promise is for the end of your flow, once everything has been boiled down to simple promises, and you just want to unwrap them and store their resolved/rejected value in the store redux-promise用于结束您的流程,一旦一切都归结为简单的承诺,您只想解开它们并将它们的已解决/拒绝值存储在商店中


  • I find redux-promise-middleware to be a more complete and understandable implementation of the idea behind the original redux-promise .我发现redux-promise-middleware是对原始redux-promise背后想法的更完整和更易于理解的实现。 It's under active development, and is also nicely complemented by redux-promise-reducer .它正在积极开发中,并且还得到了redux-promise-reducer良好补充。
  • there are additional similar middlewares available for composing/sequencing your complex actions: one very popular one is redux-saga , which is very similar to redux-thunk , but is based on the syntax of generator functions.还有其他类似的中间件可用于组合/排序您的复杂操作:一个非常流行的中间件是redux-saga ,它与redux-thunk非常相似,但基于生成器函数的语法。 Again, you'd likely use it in conjunction with redux-promise , because sagas produce promises you don't want to have to unwrap and process manually with tons of boilerplate...同样,您可能会将它与redux-promise结合使用,因为 sagas 会产生您不想用大量样板文件手动解包和处理的承诺......
  • Here's a great article directly comparing various async composition options, including thunk and redux-promise-middleware.这是一篇很棒的文章,直接比较了各种异步组合选项,包括 thunk 和 redux-promise-middleware。 (TL;DR: "Redux Promise Middleware reduces boilerplate pretty dramatically vs some of the other options" ... "I think I like Saga for more complex applications (read: "uses"), and Redux Promise Middleware for everything else." ) (TL;DR: “Redux Promise Middleware 与其他一些选项相比显着减少了样板文件” ...... “我认为我喜欢 Saga 用于更复杂的应用程序(阅读:“uses”),而 Redux Promise Middleware 用于其他一切。” )
  • Note that there's an important case where you may think you need to dispatch multiple actions, but you really don't, and you can keep simple things simple.请注意,有一个重要的情况,您可能认为您需要调度多个操作,但实际上您不需要,您可以让简单的事情保持简单。 That's where you just want multiple reducers to react to a single async call, and you would be inclined to dispatch multiple actions to those multiple reducers.这就是您只希望多个减速器对单个异步调用做出反应的地方,并且您倾向于将多个操作分派给这些多个减速器。 But, there's no reason at all why multiple reducers can't monitor a single action type.但是,根本没有理由为什么多个 reducer 不能监控单个动作类型。 You'd simply want to make sure that your team knows you're using that convention, so they don't assume only a single reducer (with a related name) can handle a given action.您只需要确保您的团队知道您正在使用该约定,因此他们不会假设只有一个 reducer(具有相关名称)可以处理给定的操作。

Full disclosure: I'm relatively new to Redux development and struggled with this question myself.全面披露:我对 Redux 开发相对较新,并且自己也在为这个问题而苦苦挣扎。 I'll paraphrase the most succinct answer I found:我将解释我找到的最简洁的答案:

ReduxPromise returns a promise as the payload when an action is dispatched, and then the ReduxPromise middleware works to resolve that promise and pass the result to the reducer. ReduxPromise 在分派操作时返回一个 Promise 作为有效负载,然后 ReduxPromise 中间件解析该 Promise 并将结果传递给 reducer。

ReduxThunk, on the other hand, forces the action creator to hold off on actually dispatching the action object to the reducers until dispatch is called.另一方面,ReduxThunk 强制动作创建者推迟将动作对象实际分派给减速器,直到调用分派。

Here's a link to the tutorial where I found this info: https://blog.tighten.co/react-101-part-4-firebase .这是我找到此信息的教程的链接: https ://blog.tighten.co/react-101-part-4-firebase。

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