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[英]Play Framework Scala REST DELETE

I'm trying to figure out how to use the REST DELETE function using the Play Framework. 我试图弄清楚如何使用Play框架使用REST DELETE功能。 Here's what I have: 这就是我所拥有的:

My Model: 我的型号:

case class Task(id: Int, name: String, description: String, group: String)

object Task {

var list: List[Task] = Nil

def save(task: Task) = {
    list = list ::: List(task)

def all(): List[Task] = Nil

def delete(id: Int){
    val b = list.toBuffer

Here's what I have in my Controller for delete: 这是我在Controller中删除的内容:

def deleteTask(id: Int) = Action {

and my route: 和我的路线:

DELETE /tasks/id controllers.TaskController.deleteTask(id: Int)

Forgot to mention my problem! 忘了提我的问题! How can I run this to test and make sure that it is working? 如何运行此测试并确保它正常工作? I use the command: 我使用命令:

curl --include --request POST --header "content-type: application/json" --data '{"id":4, "name": "test5", "description": "testdesc1","group": "groupc"}' http://localhost:9000/tasks

and it posts correctly. 并且它正确发布。 How can I do a similar action with DELETE ? 如何使用DELETE执行类似的操作?

Your DELETE request is not defined properly right now. 您的DELETE请求目前尚未正确定义。 It should go DELETE /tasks/:id if you want to have the id as a parameter 如果你想将id作为参数,它应该是DELETE /tasks/:id


The problem in your Scala code is on line b.remove(id) - in this case b is actually from type BufferLike and the remove method does not do what you use it for. 您的Scala代码中的问题是在行b.remove(id) - 在这种情况下, b实际上来自BufferLike类型,并且remove方法不会执行您使用它的方法。 It actually removes the element at the specified index and not the element which you provide. 它实际上删除了指定index的元素,而不是您提供的元素。 So if you provide id=4 then it is going to try to remove the 5th element, and fail with an IndexOutOfBoundsException which is a Runtime exception which leads to the error page you are receiving. 因此,如果您提供id = 4,那么它将尝试删除第5个元素,并且因为运行时异常而导致您收到错误页面的IndexOutOfBoundsException失败。 You can just use the diff method on List instead, like this: val newList = list diff List(id) 您可以在List上使用diff 方法 ,如下所示: val newList = list diff List(id)

You have specified it already in your routes file: you have defined a DELETE request - this means that your curl request should also be a DELETE one: 您已在routes文件中指定了它:您已定义DELETE请求 - 这意味着您的curl请求也应该是DELETE请求:

curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:9000/tasks/4"

There is no body to post when using DELETE - you just specify the ID of the resource you would like to delete. 使用DELETE时没有要发布的正文 - 您只需指定要删除的资源的ID。

Bonus: consider returning some other status like HTTP 204 - it is more intuitive when dealing with deletion 奖励:考虑返回一些其他状态,如HTTP 204 - 处理删除时更直观

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