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[英]Using Entity Framework's Code First to store an image in PostgreSQL

I need to store an image in my PostgreSQL database, which I have written with Entity Framework 6's Code First, and mapped it via Npgsql. 我需要将图像存储在用Entity Framework 6的Code First编写的PostgreSQL数据库中,并通过Npgsql对其进行映射。

Other questions asked on the topic suggests a byte[] . 关于该主题的其他问题建议使用byte[] However, PostgreSQL cannot use byte[] . 但是,PostgreSQL不能使用byte[] It can however use a type called bytea , which is a byte array . 但是,它可以使用一个称为bytea的类型,它是一个字节数组 But how do I get this type in C#? 但是,如何在C#中获得这种类型?

Edit: 编辑:

I made an assumption, that it was the byte[] which could not be created. 我假设,这是无法创建的byte[] I did a Update-Database -verbose and it gave me the following: 我做了一个Update-Database -verbose ,它给了我以下内容:

PM> Update-Database -verbose
Using StartUp project 'Core.Shell'.
Using NuGet project 'Core.Database'.
Specify the '-Verbose' flag to view the SQL statements being applied to the target database.
Target database is: 'TrackerDB' (DataSource: tcp://localhost:5432, Provider: Npgsql, Origin: Configuration).
Applying explicit migrations: [201604130907499_initial].
Applying explicit migration: 201604130907499_initial.
CREATE TABLE "public"."EmployeePhotoes"("EmployeePhotoId" int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"Image" bytea,"EmployeeId" int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,CONSTRAINT "PK_public.EmployeePhotoes" PRIMARY KEY ("EmployeePhotoId"))
CREATE INDEX "EmployeePhotoes_IX_EmployeePhotoId" ON "public"."EmployeePhotoes" ("EmployeePhotoId")
ALTER TABLE "public"."EmployeePhotoes" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_public.EmployeePhotoes_public.Employees_EmployeePhotoId" FOREIGN KEY ("EmployeePhotoId") REFERENCES "public"."Employees" ("EmployeeId")
ALTER TABLE "dbo"."__MigrationHistory" SET SCHEMA public
System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException: Type is not resolved for member 'Npgsql.NpgsqlException,Npgsql, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5d8b90d52f46fda7'.
    at System.AppDomain.DoCallBack(CrossAppDomainDelegate callBackDelegate)
    at System.Data.Entity.Migrations.Design.ToolingFacade.Run(BaseRunner runner)
    at System.Data.Entity.Migrations.Design.ToolingFacade.Update(String targetMigration, Boolean force)
    at System.Data.Entity.Migrations.UpdateDatabaseCommand.<>c__DisplayClass2.<.ctor>b__0()
    at System.Data.Entity.Migrations.MigrationsDomainCommand.Execute(Action command)
Type is not resolved for member 'Npgsql.NpgsqlException,Npgsql, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5d8b90d52f46fda7'.

The class I am trying to add: 我要添加的课程:

public class EmployeePhoto
    //Primary key
    public int EmployeePhotoId { get; set; }

    public byte[] Image { get; set; }  

    //Foreign key
    public int EmployeeId { get; set; }

    //Navigation property
    public Employee Employee { get; set; } //1 photo for 1 Employee

I am not entirely sure what type is not resolved by Npgsql 我不确定Npgsql无法解析哪种类型

Turns out this happens because Npgsql is not installed in the GAC. 原来发生这种情况是因为GAC中安装Npgsql。

This issue was solved by installing the latest version of Npgsql . 通过安装最新版本的Npgsql解决了此问题。

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