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[英]Rounded icon on Qpushbutton

I have a QPushButton to which I want to add an icon (that I add to the button by using QPushButton::setIcon() ) with rounded corners. 我有一个QPushButton要向其中添加带有圆角的图标(使用QPushButton::setIcon()将其添加到按钮)。 However I have a pixmap which is a square image. 但是我有一个像素图,它是一个正方形图像。 Is it possible to adapt the pixmap in such a way that it becomes rounded? 是否可以以使其变圆的方式来适应像素图?

I have found the setMask() function on the QPixmap , which I can maybe use. 我在QPixmap上找到了setMask()函数,可以使用它。 But how would I make a bitmap that masks the edges of my QPixmap ? 但是,我将如何制作一个掩盖QPixmap边缘的位图?

Or is there a better way for this? 还是有更好的方法呢?

This is how you can prepare a QPixmap with rounded corners: 这是准备带圆角的QPixmap

const QPixmap orig = QPixmap("path to your image");

// getting size if the original picture is not square
int size = qMax(orig.width(), orig.height());

// creating a new transparent pixmap with equal sides
QPixmap rounded = QPixmap(size, size);

// creating circle clip area
QPainterPath path;

QPainter painter(&rounded);

// filling rounded area if needed
painter.fillRect(rounded.rect(), Qt::black);

// getting offsets if the original picture is not square
int x = qAbs(orig.width() - size) / 2;
int y = qAbs(orig.height() - size) / 2;
painter.drawPixmap(x, y, orig.width(), orig.height(), orig);

Then you can use the resulting pixmap to set a QPushButton icon: 然后,您可以使用生成的像素图设置QPushButton图标:

QPushButton *button = new QPushButton(this);
button->setText("My button");

And of course you have a second option to use some image editor to prepare images with rounded corners beforehand. 当然,您还有第二种选择,可以使用某些图像编辑器来预先准备带有圆角的图像。

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