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如何在nodejs中进行大量但未知的REST http调用?

[英]How do I make a large but unknown number of REST http calls in nodejs?

I have an orientdb database. 我有一个orientdb数据库。 I want to use nodejs with RESTfull calls to create a large number of records. 我想使用带有RESTfull调用的nodejs来创建大量记录。 I need to get the @rid of each for some later processing. 我需要获取每个@rid以便以后进行处理。

My psuedo code is: 我的伪代码是:

for each record
  when the async of write.to.db() finishes
     process based on @rid

I have landed in serious callback hell from this. 我从此陷入了严重的回调地狱。 The version that was closest used a tail recursion in the .then function to write the next record to the db. 最接近的版本在.then函数中使用尾部递归将下一条记录写入数据库。 However, I couldn't carry on with the rest of the processing. 但是,我无法继续进行其余的处理。

A final constraint is that I am behind a corporate proxy and cannot use any other packages without going through the network administrator, so using the native nodejs packages is essential. 最后一个约束是,我位于公司代理的后面,并且必须经过网络管理员才能使用任何其他软件包,因此使用本机nodejs软件包是必不可少的。

Any suggestions? 有什么建议么?

With a completion callback, the general design pattern for this type of problem makes use of a local function for doing each write: 使用完成回调,用于此类问题的常规设计模式将利用本地函数进行每次写入:

var records = ....;    // array of records to write
var index = 0;

function writeNext(r) {
    write.to.db(r, function(err) {
       if (err) {
          // error handling
       } else {
          if (index < records.length) {


The key here is that you can't use synchronous iterators like .forEach() because they won't iterate one at a time and wait for completion. 这里的关键是您不能使用.forEach()类的同步迭代器,因为它们不会一次迭代一个并等待完成。 Instead, you do your own iteration. 相反,您可以自己进行迭代。

If your write function returns a promise, you can use the .reduce() pattern that is common for iterating an array. 如果您的写入函数返回一个Promise,则可以使用.reduce()模式,该模式在迭代数组时很常见。

var records = ...;    // some array of records to write

records.reduce(function(p, r) {
    return p.then(function() {
       return write.to.db(r);
}, Promsise.resolve()).then(function() {
   // all done here
}, function(err) {
   // error here

This solution chains promises together, waiting for each one to resolve before executing the next save. 此解决方案链在一起的诺言,等待每个人解决,然后再执行下一个保存。

It's kinda hard to tell which function would be best for your scenario w/o more detail, but I almost always use asyncjs for this kind of thing. 很难确定哪个函数最适合您的情况而没有更多细节,但是我几乎总是将asyncjs用于此类情况。

From what you say, one way to do it would be with async.map : 用您所说的话,一种方法是使用async.map

var recordsToCreate = [...];

function functionThatCallsTheApi(record, cb){
   // do the api call, then call cb(null, rid)

async.map(recordsToCreate, functionThatCallsTheApi, function(err, results){
   // here, err will be if anything failed in any function
   // results will be an array of the rids

You can also check out other ones to enable throttling, which is probablya good idea. 您也可以签出其他选项以启用限制,这可能是个好主意。

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