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[英]C# Get object inside of object that is a generic

I have several View Models that contain a address object. 我有几个包含地址对象的视图模型。 That address object of course has address1, address2, city, state, and zip. 该地址对象当然有address1,address2,city,state和zip。
We are using the postal code address verification system, and I want all of my developers to be able to call a helper class, that will sniff View Model object for a address object. 我们正在使用邮政编码地址验证系统,我希望我的所有开发人员能够调用一个帮助程序类,它将为地址对象嗅探View Model对象。 If it does not find it, it will then check to see if the view model has basic address1, address2 and etc properties... In either case I need it to get the address information for either the property object address or get the address properties... 如果找不到它,它将检查视图模型是否具有基本的address1,address2和etc属性......在任何一种情况下我都需要它来获取属性对象地址的地址信息或获取地址属性...

So my helper class method signature looks like this: 所以我的助手类方法签名如下所示:

 public void ShowVerificationWithReflection<T>(ModelStateDictionary modelState, T viewModel) where T : AMSBaseVM

I then do the following: 然后我做以下事情:

var objType = viewModel.GetType();
List<PropertyInfo> properties = new List<PropertyInfo>();


foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
    if (property.CanRead)
        if (property.Name == "Address1") testAddress.Address1 = property.GetValue(viewModel, null) as string;
        if (property.Name == "Address2") testAddress.Address2 = property.GetValue(viewModel, null) as string;
        if (property.Name == "City") testAddress.City = property.GetValue(viewModel, null) as string;
        if (property.Name == "StCd") testAddress.StateCodeId = (long)property.GetValue(viewModel, null);
        if (property.Name == "Zip") testAddress.Zip = property.GetValue(viewModel, null) as string;

This works for the address properties that part of the View Model. 这适用于View Model的一部分地址属性。 Now what I am stumbling with is detecting if the View Model has a property like this: 现在我磕磕绊绊的是检测View Model是否有这样的属性:

 public EntityAddressVM Address { get; set; }

I need to get that object from the generic and then get its address properties. 我需要从泛型中获取该对象,然后获取其地址属性。 I have been able to find the object, but after that I get stuck... 我已经找到了这个对象,但之后我就被卡住了......

 bool hasEntityAddress = objType.GetProperties().Any(p => p.PropertyType == typeof(EntityAddressVM));

What I am needing help with is: 我需要帮助的是:

  1. Determine if incoming viewModel (mvc) has a address object or has address properties. 确定传入的viewModel(mvc)是否具有地址对象或具有地址属性。

  2. If it does have address Object, get the address properties otherwise get the address properties from the ViewModel. 如果它确实有地址对象,则获取地址属性,否则从ViewModel获取地址属性。

There is one nice extension method that I use to look at objects properties: 我用一个很好的扩展方法来查看对象属性:

/// <summary>
///     Gets all public properties of an object and and puts them into dictionary.
/// </summary>
public static IDictionary<string, object> ToDictionary(this object instance)
    if (instance == null)
        throw new NullReferenceException();

    // if an object is dynamic it will convert to IDictionary<string, object>
    var result = instance as IDictionary<string, object>;
    if (result != null)
        return result;

    return instance.GetType()
        .ToDictionary(x => x.Name, x => x.GetValue(instance));

Then you can do something like this: 然后你可以做这样的事情:

var addressObject = model
    .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value is EntityAddressVM)

If its null then get Address properties from model. 如果为null则从模型中获取Address属性。

Hope this helps. 希望这可以帮助。

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