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JavaScript / Node.js + Express-函数在完成之前返回未定义

[英]JavaScript/ Node.js + Express - Function returning undefined before Complete

So I'm having a lot of trouble getting my module to return the value I want it to. 因此,让我的模块返回我想要的值很麻烦。 Basically it looks into my filesystem and returns the last created GIF file. 基本上,它会查询我的文件系统并返回最后创建的GIF文件。 If there is no GIF, it looks for a PPM (another file type) and generates a GIF and returns that. 如果没有GIF,它将查找PPM(另一种文件类型)并生成一个GIF并将其返回。 If there's no PPM, it'll look into the MySQL database and generate a GIF based on what's in there. 如果没有PPM,它将检查MySQL数据库并根据其中的内容生成GIF。 All of this works fine. 所有这些都很好。

This module is called with a HTTP request in Express, where currentImg() is calling the module: 通过Express中的HTTP请求调用此模块,其中currentImg()正在调用该模块:

app.get('/img', function(req, res) {

This request always returns 'undefined'. 该请求始终返回“未定义”。 I've tried a bit of debugging and the module is returning 'undefined' before it finishes getting the return from the 'queryDatabase(returnFile)' line in the module.exports function. 我已经尝试了一些调试,模块在完成来自module.exports函数中'queryDatabase(returnFile)'行的返回之前,返回了'undefined'。

// CurrentImg

module.exports = function() {
    imageFile = "";
    return imageFile;

function queryDatabase(callback) {
    imageFile = "";
    client.query("SHOW TABLES FROM mathsDB", function(err, result) {
            if (err)
                    currentImage = result[result.length - 1]["Tables_in_mathsDB"];
                    currentImage = currentImage.substring(5);

function returnFile() {
    fs.stat("./img/image" + currentImage + ".gif", function(err, stat) {
            if (err==null) {
                    imageFile = "/img/image" + currentImage + ".gif";
                    return imageFile;
            else {
                    fs.stat("./img/image" + currentImage + ".ppm", function(err, stat) {
                            if (err==null) {
                                    convert.convert("image" + currentImage);
                                    imageFile = "/img/image" + currentImage + ".gif";
                                    return imageFile;

                            else {
                                    setTimeout(waitConvert, 500);
                                    function waitConvert() {
                                            convert.convert("image" + currentImage);
                                            imageFile = "/img/image" + currentImage + ".gif";
                                            return imageFile;

I've tried doing some reading into callbacks, as you can see in my code, however that didn't seem to solve anything. 正如您在我的代码中所看到的,我已经尝试对回调进行一些读取,但是这似乎并没有解决任何问题。 I've read a bit in to promises too but they don't seem to provide a solid solution either. 我也读过一些诺言,但它们似乎也没有提供可靠的解决方案。

Can anyone provide me with a pointer in the right direction to get this running in a non-blocking way? 谁能为我提供正确方向的指针,以使它以非阻塞方式运行?

Thanks. 谢谢。

Use async waterfall to run function in series one after another. 使用异步瀑布依次运行一系列功能。 https://github.com/caolan/async#waterfall . https://github.com/caolan/async#waterfall So something like this. 像这样

function (callback) {
imageFile = "";
client.query("SHOW TABLES FROM mathsDB", function(err, result) {
        if (err)
                currentImage = result[result.length - 1]["Tables_in_mathsDB"];
                currentImage = currentImage.substring(5);


    function(currentImage, callback) {
      // arg1 now equals 'one' and arg2 now equals 'two'
      fs.stat("./img/image" + currentImage + ".gif", function(err, stat) {
            if (err==null) {
                    imageFile = "/img/image" + currentImage + ".gif";
                    return imageFile;
            else {
                    fs.stat("./img/image" + currentImage + ".ppm", function(err, stat) {
                            if (err==null) {
                                    convert.convert("image" + currentImage);
                                    imageFile = "/img/image" + currentImage + ".gif";
                                    return imageFile;

                            else {
                                    setTimeout(waitConvert, 500);
                                    function waitConvert() {
                                            convert.convert("image" + currentImage);
                                            imageFile = "/img/image" + currentImage + ".gif";
                                            return imageFile;
  callback(null,currentImage)  })


], function (err, currentImage) {

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