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Excel VBA宏:重新组织行并由唯一标识符分隔

[英]Excel VBA macro: re-organize rows and separate by a unique identifier

So, I've got this excel table which lists a bunch of record numbers and complaints made against the record. 因此,我有了这个excel表,其中列出了许多记录号和对记录的投诉。

The table is set-up unusually in that each record #'s complaints are shown on the same row as the record number. 该表的设置异常,因为每个记录#的投诉都与记录号显示在同一行。

So if a record has 10 complaints, the information about each complaint is listed (one after the other) in the same row as the record #. 因此,如果一条记录有10条投诉,则有关每个投诉的信息(一个接一个)在与记录#相同的行中列出。

I want to create a VBA macro which grabs these complaints that are all listed in the same row and separates them by record number, into their own rows. 我想创建一个VBA宏,该宏可以捕获所有在同一行中列出的所有投诉,并按记录号将其分隔到各自的行中。 I've included a screenshot of the original table and what I imagine the output to be. 我提供了原始表的屏幕快照以及我想象的输出结果。

I am brand new to VBA and I think I just don't have the language to describe this problem. 我是VBA的新手,我想我只是没有语言来描述这个问题。 Can anyone help? 有人可以帮忙吗?

Original Table 原始表

Example Output 示例输出

I hope I understood this right. 我希望我理解这项权利。 Basicly you want to check each row, one after another, if there is a complaint or not. 基本上,您想一遍又一遍地检查每一行,看是否有投诉。 If there is a complaint, it shall be extracted into eg an other worksheet. 如果有投诉,则应将其提取到其他工作表中。 Try to get the length of your table and then check each cell in "Complaint Date". 尝试获取表的长度,然后检查“投诉日期”中的每个单元格。 If there is a date show the whole row in another sheet/table/etc.. This code works quite fine for this I hope. 如果有日期,则在另一张工作表/表格/等中显示整行。我希望这段代码可以很好地工作。

Dim counter, lastrow As Integer
counter = 1
lastrow = Cells.Find("*", [A1], , , xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row  'finds the last row in column A
For i = 1 To lastrow
    If Cells(i,2) <> "No Complaints" Then
        Cells(counter,x)    'Write the cell where you want(counter to have them one under the other)
        counter = counter + 1
    End If
Next i

Assuming worksheets input contains the table that all datas and you need to create empty sheet and name it as output. 假设工作表输入包含所有数据的表,那么您需要创建一个空表并将其命名为输出。

Apply the below code in new module 在新模块中应用以下代码

Sub test()
    Dim lastrow As Long
    Dim lastcolumn As Long
    Dim printatsheet2 As Long
    Dim actualset As Long
    Dim recordno As String
    Dim complaintdate As Date
    Dim walkin As String
    Dim conclusive As String
    Dim typej As String
    Dim typex As String
    lastrow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    lastcolumn = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
    printatoutput = Worksheets("Output").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
    actualset = (lastcolumn - 1) / 5
    For i = 2 To lastrow
        recordno = Cells(i, 1)
        For j = 1 To actualset
        If j = 1 Then
            dd = j + 1 '7 '13
            ee = (j + 5) '12 '18
            dd = dd + 5
            ee = ee + 5
        End If
            For k = dd To ee
                If Cells(1, k) = "Complaint Date" And (Cells(i, k) <> "No Complaints" And Cells(i, k) <> "") Then
                    complaintdate = Cells(i, k)
                ElseIf Cells(1, k) = "#Walkin" Then
                    walkin = Cells(i, k)
                ElseIf Cells(1, k) = "#Conclusive" Then
                    conclusive = Cells(i, k)
                ElseIf Cells(1, k) = "#TypeJ" Then
                    typej = Cells(i, k)
                ElseIf Cells(1, k) = "#TypeX" Then
                    typex = Cells(i, k)
                End If
            Next k
            If complaintdate = CDate(0) And walkin = "" And conclusive = "" And typej = "" And typex = "" Then
                With Worksheets("Output")
                    .Cells(printatoutput, 1) = recordno
                    .Cells(printatoutput, 2) = complaintdate
                    .Cells(printatoutput, 3) = walkin
                    .Cells(printatoutput, 4) = conclusive
                    .Cells(printatoutput, 5) = typej
                    .Cells(printatoutput, 6) = typex
                    printatoutput = printatoutput + 1
                End With
                'If complaintdate = CDate(0) Then complaintdate = CDate(0) Else complaintdate = complaintdate
                complaintdate = CDate(0)
                walkin = ""
                conclusive = ""
                typej = ""
                typex = ""
            End If
        Next j
    Next i
End Sub

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