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[英]Getting size of an image in an UIImageView

I am having trouble getting the size of an image after it has been assigned to an UIImageView programmatically. 在以编程方式将图像分配给UIImageView之后,我无法获取图像的大小。

The code below runs in a loop and a function is used (getNoteImage) to download an image from an URL (photoURL) and assign it to the created UIImageView. 下面的代码循环运行,并使用一个函数(getNoteImage)从URL(photoURL)下载图像并将其分配给创建的UIImageView。 I need to get the height of the image so that I can calculate the spacing for the following images and labels. 我需要获取图像的高度,以便可以计算以下图像和标签的间距。

        var myImage :UIImageView

        myImage = UIImageView(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.width, UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.height))

        myImage.center = CGPointMake(UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.size.width/2, imageY)



        myImage.contentMode = UIViewContentMode.ScaleAspectFit

        imageHeight = myImage.bounds.size.height

I have tried using 我尝试使用

imageHeight = myImage.bounds.size.height

which I read as a solution on another post but his just returns the screen size for the device (667 on the iPhone6 simulator). 我在另一篇文章中将其作为解决方案来阅读,但他只是返回设备的屏幕尺寸(iPhone6模拟器上为667)。

Can anyone guide me on how I can get the correct image size ? 谁能指导我如何获得正确的图像尺寸? Thanks 谢谢

As your imageView is taking up the whole screen and the image is sized using 'aspect fit' to get the height the image is displayed at you will need to get the original image size using myImage.image!.size then scale this based on myImage.bounds.size something like; 当您的imageView占据整个屏幕,并且使用“宽高比”调整图像的大小以获取图像的显示高度时,您需要使用myImage.image!.size来获取原始图像大小,然后根据myImage.bounds.size进行缩放myImage.bounds.size类似;

let imageViewHeight = myImage.bounds.height
let imageViewWidth = myImage.bounds.width
let imageSize = myImage.image!.size
let scaledImageHeight = min(imageSize.height * (imageViewWidth / imageSize.width), imageViewHeight)

That should give the actual height of the image, note that image.size gives the "logical dimensions of the image" ie its natural size and not the size it is drawn at. 这应该给出图像的实际高度,请注意image.size给出了“图像的逻辑尺寸”,即其自然尺寸,而不是其绘制尺寸。

As UIImage official doc : 作为UIImage官方文档

if let image = myImage.image {
       let size = image.size
       print("image size is \(size)")
} else { 
    print("There is no image here..")

I suppose your code working with synchronously image as I understand in your question, but if not I recommended to use AlamofireImage . 我想您的问题中的理解是您的代码与图像同步工作,但如果没有,我建议您使用AlamofireImage

With AlamofireImage you can do: 使用AlamofireImage,您可以执行以下操作:

    NSURL(string: photoUrl)!,
    placeholderImage: nil,
    filter: nil,
    imageTransition: .CrossDissolve(0.5),
    completion: { response in
        print(response.result.value) # UIImage  
        if let image = response.result.value {
           let size = image.size
           print("image size is \(size)")
        print(response.result.error) # NSError

change your code like this and try again. 像这样更改您的代码,然后重试。 only you did note force set the frame of the UIImageView and then give it a image ,you can use "imageHeight = myImage.bounds.size.height" get the real size of the image. 只有您注意到要强制设置UIImageView的框架,然后为其提供图像,才可以使用“ imageHeight = myImage.bounds.size.height”获取图像的实际大小。

    var myImage :UIImageView
    //remove your initial frame parameters
    myImage = UIImageView()
    myImage.center = CGPointMake(UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.size.width/2, imageY)

try using myImage.image.size.height and also make sure the image is downloaded from the url you should write it in a completion block and only check if the image is downloaded. 尝试使用myImage.image.size.height并确保从url下载了图像,应将其写在完成块中,并且仅检查是否已下载图像。 See the documentation for more details. 有关更多详细信息,请参见文档

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