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不能在野牛/ flex中进行多个作业

[英]can't make work multiple assignments in bison/flex

Hi everyone I'm trying to learn bison. 大家好,我想学习野牛。 I found on github an simple working expression parser, that can do the following: 我在github上发现了一个简单的工作表达式解析器,可以执行以下操作:

  • assignments (like a = 34; b = a;) 分配(例如a = 34; b = a;)

  • printing (like print a;) 打印(如打印a;)

  • exiting (type exit; and it will terminate) 退出(类型为退出;它将终止)

I think to understand how the the basic rules work. 我想了解基本规则是如何工作的。 So I've tried to modify the rules to make possible doing multiple assignments (like this one : a = b = c = 5;). 因此,我尝试了修改规则,以便可以进行多次分配(例如:a = b = c = 5;)。

To do so, I add a new line rule that works like this: 为此,我添加了一个新的行规则,其工作方式如下:

line    : assegn ';'        {;}
            | exit_command ';'      {exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);}
            | print exp ';'         {printf("Printing %d\n", $2);}
          | line assignment ';' {;}
            | line print exp ';'    {printf("Printing %d\n", $3);}
            | line exit_command ';' {exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);}

then I added the following new rules 然后我添加了以下新规则

assegn : assignment {;}
        | identifiers {;}

identifiers : assignment {$$=$1;}
        | identifier '=' identifiers {updateSymbolVal($1,$3);}

and assignment works like this 和作业是这样的

assignment : identifier '=' exp  {$$=$3; updateSymbolVal($1,$3); }

In the end I was able to compile files generate by bison and flex, but when I try to make multiple assignment it returns me syntax error. 最后,我能够编译由bison和flex生成的文件,但是当我尝试进行多次赋值时,它会返回语法错误。

Can somebody explain me,where I commit an error, please? 有人可以向我解释,如果我犯了一个错误? This is the original example I started from. 这是我开始的原始示例。 https://github.com/jengelsma/yacc-tutorial.git https://github.com/jengelsma/yacc-tutorial.git

This is the code of my bison file: 这是我的野牛文件的代码:

void yyerror (char *s);
#include <stdio.h>     /* C declarations used in actions */
#include <stdlib.h>
int symbols[52];
int symbolVal(char symbol);
void updateSymbolVal(char symbol, int val);
int val;

%union {int num; char id;}         /* Yacc definitions */
%start line
%token print
%token exit_command
%token <num> number
%token <id> identifier
%type <num> line exp term
%type <id> assignment
%type <num> identifiers

/*the original line was line : assignment ';'  {;}*/
line    : assegn ';'        {;}
        | exit_command ';'      {exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);}
        | print exp ';'         {printf("Printing %d\n", $2);}
      | line assignment ';' {;}
        | line print exp ';'    {printf("Printing %d\n", $3);}
        | line exit_command ';' {exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);}

assegn : assignment {;}
        | identifiers {;}

identifiers : assignment {$$=$1;}
        | identifier '=' identifiers {updateSymbolVal($1,$3);}

assignment : identifier '=' exp  {$$=$3; updateSymbolVal($1,$3); }
exp     : term                  {$$ = $1;}
        | exp '+' term          {$$ = $1 + $3;}
        | exp '-' term          {$$ = $1 - $3;}
term    : number                {$$ = $1;}
        | identifier            {$$ = symbolVal($1);}

%%                     /* C code */

int computeSymbolIndex(char token)
    int idx = -1;
    if(islower(token)) {
        idx = token - 'a' + 26;
    } else if(isupper(token)) {
        idx = token - 'A';
    return idx;

/* returns the value of a given symbol */
int symbolVal(char symbol)
    int bucket = computeSymbolIndex(symbol);
    return symbols[bucket];

/* updates the value of a given symbol */
void updateSymbolVal(char symbol, int val)
    int bucket = computeSymbolIndex(symbol);
    symbols[bucket] = val;

int main (void) {
    /* init symbol table */
    int i;
    for(i=0; i<52; i++) {
        symbols[i] = 0;

    return yyparse ( );

void yyerror (char *s) {fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", s);}

this is my flex file: 这是我的弹性文件:

#include "exppars.tab.h"
"print"                            {return print;}
"exit"                             {return exit_command;}
[a-zA-Z]                           {yylval.id = yytext[0]; return identifier;}
[0-9]+                 {yylval.num = atoi(yytext); return number;}
[ \t\n]                ;
[-+=;]                     {return yytext[0];}
.                      {ECHO; yyerror ("unexpected character");}

int yywrap (void) {return 1;}

Ok it looks like I have found a kind of answer. 好的,看来我找到了答案。

  • I notice that the syntax error appears only when I'm trying to do multiple assignment in the after the first input. 我注意到语法错误仅在我尝试在第一个输入之后进行多次分配时出现。

to solve this one I added a new rule. 为了解决这一问题,我添加了一条新规则。 Now rules block looks like this: 现在,规则块如下所示:

line    : assegn ';'        {;}
    | exit_command ';'      {exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);}
    | print exp ';'         {printf("Printing %d\n", $2);}
    | line assegn ';'   {;}
    | line print exp ';'    {printf("Printing %d\n", $3);}
    | line exit_command ';' {exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);}
  • the next problem appeared when I tried to do long multiple assignment, like this one for example : a = b = c = d = 5;. 当我尝试进行长时间多重分配时,出现了下一个问题,例如:a = b = c = d = 5;。 I just assign the value to c and d, not to the others. 我只是将值分配给c和d,而不是其他值。 It seems like the code { $$ = $1} didn't work as I have expected. 代码{$$ = $ 1}似乎没有按我期望的那样工作。 So I add a new int variable to store the value of last assignment. 因此,我添加了一个新的int变量来存储最后一次赋值。 The production rules now look like this: 现在,生产规则如下所示:

     identifiers : assignment { val = $1;} | identifier '=' identifiers {updateSymbolVal($1,val);} ; assignment : identifier '=' exp {$$=$3; updateSymbolVal($1,$3);} ; exp : term { $$ = $1; @1;} | exp '+' term { $$ = $1 + $3; } | exp '-' term { $$ = $1 - $3; } ; term : number {$$ = $1;} | identifier {$$ = symbolVal($1);} ; 

Now it's work. 现在工作了。

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