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[英]jQuery parent or parents to get data-attribute in table th tag

I have a table that are like a grid with a horizontal list in the top with week numbers within th tags and below each week are different values in rows of tr and td tags. 我有一张表格,它像一个网格,顶部有一个水平列表,在th标签内有周数,在每个周下面的trtd标签行中有不同的值。

I'm trying to get the data-attribute for the week when I click below in one of the td tags with the data-id attribute . 我试图让data-attributeweek ,当我在一个点击以下td与标签data-id attribute But I can't get it right and wonder what I have done wrong to be able to read this value? 但是我无法正确理解并想知道我做错了什么才能读取此值?

Some of the combinations I have tested: 我测试过的一些组合:

var test = $(this).closest("th").attr("data-week");
var test = $(this).parents().find(".week").attr("data-week");
var test = $(this).parents("th").attr("data-week");

The HTML with data-attributes for the table: 带有数据属性的HTML表格:

                <th class=""></th>
                    <th class="week" data-week="15">15</th>
                    <th class="week" data-week="16">16</th>
                    <th class="week" data-week="17">17</th>
                    <th class="week" data-week="18">18</th>
                    <th class="week" data-week="19">19</th>
                    <td>Stina (1)</td>
                            <td data-id="40">10</td>
                            <td data-id="12">20</td>
                            <td data-id="13">40</td>
                            <td data-id="14">45</td>
                            <td data-id="15">40</td>
                    <td>Linda (2)</td>
                            <td data-id="0">0</td>
                            <td data-id="0">0</td>
                    <td>Lasse (3)</td>
                            <td data-id="21">5</td>
                            <td data-id="22">39</td>
                            <td data-id="23">40</td>
                            <td data-id="24">40</td>                       

@Sean DiSanti, good one! @Sean DiSanti,好人! Here is a slightly more efficient version, without warping $ in $, by using eq method 这是一个效率更高的版本,使用eq方法不会使$ in $变形

$('td').on('click', function(e) {
  var index = $(this).index() -1;
  var week = $('.week').eq(index).data('week');
  console.log('week', week);

jsfiddle 的jsfiddle

Here is a way you can find the data-week attribute of the clicked th element. 您可以通过以下方式找到被点击的元素的数据周属性。

         $th = $td.closest('table').find('th').eq($td.index());

Demo : https://jsfiddle.net/7b146hor/2/ 演示https : //jsfiddle.net/7b146hor/2/

You need to find it by index. 您需要按索引找到它。 Get which child number the clicked element has and then look for same number in .weeks 获取被单击元素具有的子编号,然后在.weeks查找相同的编号

Demo 演示

$('td').on('click', function(e){
  index = $(this).index();
  week  = $('.weeks').find(":eq("+index+")").attr('data-week');

This worked for me 这对我有用

$('td').on('click', function(e) {
  index = $(this).index();
  week = $($('.week')[index - 1]).data('week');
  console.log('week', week);

jsfiddle example jsfiddle示例

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