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得到 AttributeError: 'module' 对象在从另一个文件导入全局变量时没有属性

[英]got AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute while importing global variable from another file

I have two python files like this:我有两个这样的python文件:

# first.py
global x
if __name__ == "__main__":
    x = 'test_var'


# second.py
import first
class XX(object):
    def print_x():
        print first.x

I run this script:我运行这个脚本:

import second

And I get this error:我得到这个错误:

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'x'

Any idea what's going wrong?知道出了什么问题吗?

The code in first.py never runs because it isn't your entry point and the code isn't directly called, meaning x is never defined. first.py的代码永远不会运行,因为它不是您的入口点,并且不会直接调用该代码,这意味着从未定义 x。 Use first.py as your entry point or put the declaration of x into a method that you call before trying to access it.使用 first.py 作为您的入口点或将 x 的声明放入您尝试访问它之前调用的方法中。


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