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[英]A default choice in my select in angular JS

I am using AngularJS to create a simple application web. 我正在使用AngularJS创建一个简单的应用程序Web。

I would like to show the values of city A as a default choice in my select. 我想在我的选择中将城市A的值显示为默认选项。

index.html 的index.html

<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
  <select ng-model="selectedCity"  ng-change="extractSubsities(selectedCity)" ng-options="item as item.name for item in cities track by item.name">

  <select ng-show="selectedCity.subsities" ng-model="selectedSubCity"  ng-change="extractSubsities(selectedSubCity)" ng-options="item2 as item2.name for item2 in selectedCity.subsities track by item2.name">
   <option style="" value=""></option>

    <tr ng-repeat="item3 in data track by item3.id">
      <td>{{ item3.id }}</td>
      <td>{{ item3.name }}</td>
      <td>{{ item3.price }}</td>



And this is my script js : 这是我的脚本js

var app = angular.module('plunker', []);

app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
  $scope.name = 'World';
  $scope.cities = [
      name: "city A",
      elements: [{
        id: 'c01',
        name: 'name1',
        price: 15
      }, {
        id: 'c02',
        name: 'name2',
        price: 18
      }, {
        id: 'c03',
        name: 'name3',
        price: 11
      subsities: [ {
          name: "sub A1",
          elements: [{
            id: 'sub01',
            name: 'nameSub1',
            price: 1
          }, {
            id: 'sub02',
            name: 'nameSub2',
            price: 8
          }, {
            id: 'sub03',
            name: 'nameSub3',
            price: 1
          } ]
          name: "sub A2",
          elements: [{
            id: 'ssub01',
            name: 'nameSsub1',
            price: 1
          }, {
            id: 'ssub02',
            name: 'nameSsub2',
            price: 8
          }, {
            id: 'ssub03',
            name: 'nameSsub3',
            price: 4
          } ]
          name: "sub A3",
          elements: [{
            id: 'sssub01',
            name: 'nameSssub1',
            price: 1
          }, {
            id: 'sssub02',
            name: 'nameSssub2',
            price: 2
          }, {
            id: 'sssub03',
            name: 'nameSssub3',
            price: 1
      name: "city B",
      elements: [{
        id: 'cc01',
        name: 'name11',
        price: 10
      }, {
        id: 'cc02',
        name: 'name22',
        price: 14
      }, {
        id: 'cc03',
        name: 'name33',
        price: 11
      } ]
      name: "city C",
      elements: [{
        id: 'ccc01',
        name: 'name111',
        price: 19
      }, {
        id: 'ccc02',
        name: 'name222',
        price: 18
      }, {
        id: 'ccc03',
        name: 'name333',
        price: 10
      } ]
  $scope.extractSubsities = function(itemSelected) {
    if(itemSelected && itemSelected.elements){
        $scope.data = itemSelected.elements;


I need to show city A as the default selected value How can I fix this please ? 我需要将城市A显示为默认选择值我该如何解决这个问题?

You could set the selected city before the page finishes loading by adding this line to your controller. 您可以在页面完成加载之前通过将此行添加到控制器来设置所选城市。

Something like this: 像这样的东西:

$scope.selectedCity = $scope.cities[0].name;

Just assign selectedSubCity to the default: 只需将selectedSubCity指定为默认值:

$scope.selectedSubCity = $scope.cities[0];

Also call extractSubsities: 同时调用extractSubsities:


You can use the ng-init directive to initialize your selection. 您可以使用ng-init指令初始化您的选择。 Also you will have to call your extractSubsities() function to populate your table: 此外,您还必须调用extractSubsities()函数来填充表格:

 <select ng-model="selectedCity"  ng-change="extractSubsities(selectedCity)" ng-options="item as item.name for item in cities track by item.name" ng-init="selectedCity = cities[0];extractSubsities(selectedCity)">

here is a working fiddle example 这是一个工作小提琴的例子

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