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Spring boot在@SpringBootApplication类上找不到默认构造函数

[英]Spring boot No default constructor found on @SpringBootApplication class

I wonder why the field injection works in the @SpringBootApplication class and the constructor injection does not. 我想知道为什么字段注入在@SpringBootApplication类中@SpringBootApplication而构造函数注入不起作用。

My ApplicationTypeBean is working as expected but when I want to have a constructor injection of CustomTypeService I receive this exception: 我的ApplicationTypeBean正在按预期工作,但是当我想要构造函数注入CustomTypeService我收到此异常:

Failed to instantiate [at.eurotours.ThirdPartyGlobalAndCustomTypesApplication$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$2a56ce70]: No default constructor found; nested exception is java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: at.eurotours.ThirdPartyGlobalAndCustomTypesApplication$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$2a56ce70.<init>()

Is there any reason why it does not work at @SpringBootApplication class? 它有什么理由不能在@SpringBootApplication类中运行吗?

My SpringBootApplication class: 我的SpringBootApplication类:

public class ThirdPartyGlobalAndCustomTypesApplication implements CommandLineRunner{

ApplicationTypeBean applicationTypeBean;

private final CustomTypeService customTypeService;

public ThirdPartyGlobalAndCustomTypesApplication(CustomTypeService customTypeService) {
    this.customTypeService = customTypeService;

public void run(String... args) throws Exception {

public static void main(String[] args) {
    SpringApplication.run(ThirdPartyGlobalAndCustomTypesApplication.class, args);

public CustomTypeService getCustomTypeService() {
    return customTypeService;

My @Service class: 我的@Service类:

public class CustomTypeService {

    public void process(){

My @Component class: 我的@Component类:

public class ApplicationTypeBean {

    private String type;

SpringBootApplication is a meta annotation that: SpringBootApplication是一个元注释:

// Other annotations
public @interface SpringBootApplication { ... }

So baiscally, your ThirdPartyGlobalAndCustomTypesApplication is also a Spring Configuration class. 因此,您的ThirdPartyGlobalAndCustomTypesApplication也是一个Spring Configuration类。 As Configuration 's javadoc states: 正如Configurationjavadoc所述:

@Configuration is meta-annotated with @Component, therefore @Configuration classes are candidates for component scanning (typically using Spring XML's element) and therefore may also take advantage of @Autowired/@Inject at the field and method level ( but not at the constructor level ). @Configuration使用@Component进行元注释,因此@Configuration类是组件扫描的候选者(通常使用Spring XML的元素),因此也可以在字段和方法级别利用@Autowired / @Inject( 但不能在构造函数中使用)水平 )。

So you can't use constructor injection for Configuration classes. 因此,您不能对Configuration类使用构造函数注入。 Apparently it's going to be fixed in 4.3 release, based on this answer and this jira ticket . 显然它将在4.3版本中修复,基于这个答案和这个jira票


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