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Poop连接到MySQL数据库的PHP oop继承

[英]PHP oop inheritance of PDO connection to mysql database

I created two classes , USER and ADMIN , and admin extends user. 我创建了两个类USERADMIN ,并且admin扩展了user。

I am able to get which ever data i need from the database when using object of class USER but i cant get any data when working with the ADMIN object. 使用USER类的对象时,我可以从数据库中获取所需的数据,但是使用ADMIN对象时,则无法获取任何数据。 the classes are as follows: 这些类如下:

        class USER
            private $conn;
            public function __construct()
              $database = new Database();
              $db = $database->dbConnection();
              $this->conn = $db;
            public function runQuery($sql)
              $stmt = $this->conn->prepare($sql);
              return $stmt;

        ...some functions to query the DB



class ADMIN extends USER
private $conn;

public function __construct()
  $database = new Database();
  $db = $database->dbConnection();
  $this->conn = $db;
...some other functions to query the DB

at first i didn't include the constructor since i read that admin will inherit every not private property so this is my second try but in both cases i got this error: 起初我没有包括构造函数,因为我读到admin将继承每个非private属性,因此这是我的第二次尝试,但是在两种情况下,我都收到此错误:

Call to a member function prepare() on a non-object any idea what am i missing ? Call to a member function prepare() on a non-object任何想法我想念什么? thx 谢谢

UPDATE: i have this function for example in ADMIN class: 更新:我在ADMIN类中具有以下功能:

public function getAppeals($user_id){
  $stmt = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM appeals WHERE lecturer_id = :lecturer_id");
  $stmt->execute(array(':lecturer_id' => $user_id));
  $userRow = $stmt->fetchall(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
  return $userRow;

the row that generates the error is this: 产生错误的行是这样的:

$stmt = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM appeals WHERE lecturer_id = :lecturer_id");

This should explain your issue http://php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.visibility.php 这应该可以说明您的问题http://php.net/manual/zh/language.oop5.visibility.php

A private property is only visible in the class in which it was defined. 私有属性仅在定义它的类中可见。 However, making it protected will allow it to be accessed from any class that extends USER so it will be visible to ADMIN assuming you run the parent constructor from the ADMIN class like this parent::__construct(); 但是,将其设置为protected将允许它从任何扩展USER的类中访问,因此假定您从ADMIN类运行父构造parent::__construct();parent::__construct(); ADMIN将可以看到它parent::__construct();

If you make these changes it should work 如果您进行了这些更改,它应该可以正常工作

class USER
    //private $conn;
    protected $conn;

    public function __construct()
      $database = new Database();
      $db = $database->dbConnection();
      $this->conn = $db;
    public function runQuery($sql)
      $stmt = $this->conn->prepare($sql);
      return $stmt;

...some functions to query the DB


class ADMIN extends USER

    public function __construct()

    public function getAppeals($user_id){
       $stmt = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM appeals WHERE lecturer_id = :lecturer_id");
       $stmt->execute(array(':lecturer_id' => $user_id));

       $userRow = $stmt->fetchall(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

       return $userRow;

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