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[英]Moment.js format difference

In one of my projects i have to calculate the difference between two times. 在我的一个项目中,我必须计算两次之间的差。 For example the work hours starts at 6:30 and finishes at 10 o'clock. 例如,工作时间从6:30开始,到10点结束。 The difference is 3 hours and 30 minutes. 区别是3小时30分钟。 I write a small JS function to handles the task and it works great, gives me the following result: 3.5 . 我编写了一个小的JS函数来处理任务,并且效果很好,给了我以下结果: 3.5 I tried .format("HH:mm") but the result was undefined not a function. 我尝试了.format(“ HH:mm”),但结果未定义,不是函数。
Is there any method that converts the output like "HH:mm"? 是否有任何方法可以转换“ HH:mm”之类的输出?

Here is the dateDiff function: 这是dateDiff函数:

function dateDiff() {
    var startTime = moment(document.getElementById("startTime").value, "HH:mm");
    var endTime = moment(document.getElementById("end").value, "HH:mm");

    var duration = moment.duration(endTime.diff(startTime));
    var hours = duration.asHours();
    document.getElementById('dateDiffResult').value = moment(hours);

You could just get the hours and minutes separately and format the string: 您可以分别获取小时和分钟并格式化字符串:

function dateDiff() {
    var startTime = moment(document.getElementById("startTime").value, "HH:mm");
    var endTime = moment(document.getElementById("end").value, "HH:mm");

    var duration = moment.duration(endTime.diff(startTime));
    var hours = duration.hours();
    var minutes = duration.minutes();
    document.getElementById('dateDiffResult').value = hours +":"+ minutes;

if your function works and gives you the time difference in hours, surely it is then simple to calculate the hours and minutes from the number of hours? 如果您的函数可以正常工作并且以小时为单位给您时间差,那么确定从小时数中计算小时和分钟数是否很简单? Using your stated difference of 3.5... 使用您所说的3.5的差异...

var diff=3.5;
var hour=Math.floor(diff);//gives  hour=3;
var hours=("0"+ hour).slice(-2);//pads the hours with a leading zero if required to give hours=03;

var minute = (diff-hour)*60;//gives 30
var minutes=("0"+ minute ).slice(-2);//pads the minutes with a leading zero if required to give minutes=30;
var totalDiff= hours + ":" +minutes; //gives 03:30 as in HH:MM

I added the following to demonstrate this in the snippet: 我添加了以下内容以在代码段中对此进行演示:

 $(document).ready (function(){ var diff=3.5; var hour=Math.floor(diff);//gives hour=3; var hours=("0"+ hour).slice(-2);//gives hours=03; var minute = (diff-hour)*60;//gives 30 var minutes=("0"+ minute ).slice(-2);//gives minutes=30; var totalDiff= hours + ":" +minutes; //gives 03:30 as in HH:MM alert("HH:MM: " + totalDiff); }) 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 

Using a time-field jQuery plugin, you can generate time fields. 使用时间字段jQuery插件,您可以生成时间字段。 After that, you can listen to changes to the fields and update the hours difference accordingly. 之后,您可以收听对字段的更改并相应地更新小时数。

 (function($) { $.initTimeFields = function(interval) { $('.time-field').each(function(_, field) { $(field).initTimeField(interval); }); }; $.fn.initTimeField = function(interval) { var hour = 0, minute = 0, diff; while (hour < 24 && minute < 60) { this.append($('<option>', { val : hour * 60 + minute, text : ('00' + hour).substr(-2) + ':' + ('00' + minute).substr(-2) })); minute += interval; diff = minute - 60; if (diff >= 0) { hour += 1; minute %= 60; } } var value = this.data('value') || 0; if (typeof value === 'string' && value.indexOf(':') > -1) { value = (function(values) { return parseInt(values[0], 10) * 60 + parseInt(values[1], 10); }(value.split(':'))); } this.val(value); }; }(jQuery)); function updateTimeDiff() { $('#hour-diff').val(calcHourDiff(getTime('#start-time'), getTime('#end-time')) + ' hours'); } function calcHourDiff(startTime, endTime) { var diff = moment.duration(endTime.diff(startTime)); return ('00' + diff.hours()).substr(-2) + ':' + ('00' + diff.minutes()).substr(-2); } function getTime(selector) { return moment($(selector).find('option:selected').text(), "HH:mm"); } $('.time-field').on('change', function() { updateTimeDiff() }); // Main $.initTimeFields(15); $('.time-field').trigger('change'); 
 label { display: inline-block; width: 3em; } 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.13.0/moment.min.js"></script> <label>Start: </label><select id="start-time" class="time-field" data-value="06:30"></select><br /> <label>End: </label><select id="end-time" class="time-field" data-value="10:00"></select><br /> <label>Diff: </label><input id="hour-diff" type="text" size="8" /> 

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