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[英]Need Help getting a specific value from a JSON key/value pair

I am pulling data from a 3rd party API and have myself some code that looks like this... 我正在从第3方API提取数据,并且自己编写了一些类似以下的代码...

public partial class Form1 : Form
    int playSystem = 2;
    string playID = "";

    public Form1()

    private void xBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        playSystem = 1;

    public void playstation_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        playSystem = 2;

    private async void searchButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        var userName = nameBox.Text;

        using (var client = new HttpClient())
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-API-KEY", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");

            var response = await client.GetAsync("https://bungie.net/platform/Destiny/SearchDestinyPlayer/" + playSystem + "/" + userName);
            var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
            dynamic item = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(content);


Instead of displaying all the information in the object as a string, I would like to take a specific value from that object, store it into a variable, and use that variable in another HTTPRequest. 与其将对象中的所有信息显示为字符串,不如从该对象中获取特定值,将其存储到变量中,然后在另一个HTTPRequest中使用该变量。

The output I am getting looks like this... 我得到的输出看起来像这样...

  "Response": [
      "iconPath": "/img/theme/destiny/icons/icon_psn.png",
      "membershipType": 2,
      "membershipId": "01234567890",
      "displayName": "xxxxxxxxxx"
  "ErrorCode": 1,
  "ThrottleSeconds": 0,
  "ErrorStatus": "Success",
  "Message": "Ok",
  "MessageData": {}

I would like to specifically focus on the membershipId key/value. 我想特别关注于MembershipId键/值。

var membershipId = (string)item.Response[0].membershipId;

I think what you're looking to do can be found in Newtonsoft's Documentation here 我想您可以在此处的Newtonsoft's Documentation中找到您想做的事情

http://www.newtonsoft.com/json/help/html/LINQtoJSON.htm http://www.newtonsoft.com/json/help/html/LINQtoJSON.htm

In this example they are using linq to find specific things on the Object, but you can also For Each through each element within your return object. 在此示例中,他们使用linq查找对象上的特定内容,但是您也可以通过返回对象内的每个元素来使用For Each。

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